Speaking at the first Taiwan e-commerce summit sharing about content creation and marketing for ecommerce businesses.
My Son is Meditating!
So this just happened…. My son is meditating. So the kids are back in school, and of course there is that new stress of going to bed earlier and waking up early for getting ready for school. Wendy saw him a bit stressing out yesterday evening and took him into her meditation room (aka Buddha room). I thought she was …
Back to School
Today the kids have just gone back to school – winter break is over! Was hard waking them up this morning haha, they have gotten used to later nights and later mornings over the last few weeks on the holidays. They both really enjoy life here a lot. More outdoors and a house with a yard (not the biggest but …
The Goal Book Review
Learn Management in the form of a Story – book review of The Goal book I was expecting to read another management book broken up by non-fiction style topics and how-to format. I was pleasantly surprised when it read like a novel. Real characters, and not just office characters – but wife, kids, parents, the whole set. I was recommended …
Psycho-Cybernetics Book Review
Loved This Book – Bought Original Paperback Version I got a used copy of the original (see my photo) based on recommendations in these reviews on Amazon – I haven’t read the new version – but wow – I am blown away by this book. Highly recommend for everyone who is doing high pressure type work and wants to think …
Invest Like a Boss Meetup Field Notes
Invest Like a boss Podcast put together something much more than a meetup – I’d say a mini-conference. 5 amazing speakers came and shared in Chiang Mai, Thailand on Thursday night Jan 3, 2019 about investing stories and strategies.
Fight Club – Movie or Book, Which is better?
So I Have Watched The Movie 10+ Times – Still Enjoyed the book It is true, the book is always better than the movie. Watching this movie in 1999 in New York City Theaters and I remember how much influence on my way of thinking, to challenge the hamster wheel, just as I was starting college. Of course the book …
The Mass Exodus of Foreigners From China: Mentioned in ADV China Video
Why are foreigners leaving? On New Year’s Eve the crew from ADV China uploaded a video about the Mass Exodus of Foreigners From China – check it out here, also embedded below
Buy Then Build: Book Review
Buy Then Build – Book Review As I prepare to go to the Invest Like a Boss podcast meetup here in Chiang Mai on Jan 3 – I felt I should catch up on some reading about investing and this one was a new one with amazing reviews so I couldn’t help myself. Buy Then Build is a book about …
Best Social Media Management Tools of the Year
If you are a frequent internet user, then it is inevitable that you are almost invariably going to end up building a few social media accounts. That simply is a testimony of the meteoric rise of social networking platforms across the globe. Everyone has a social media profile whether it is an organization, a professional or a hobbyist. As a …
Best Instagram Tools to Monetize Your Account
Expand your outreach thanks to these awesome tools The internet can seem like a humongous universe where one realizes that their success banks on ensuring through presence online on interactive social media platforms. Such a place can freak out internet marketers rather easily as they begin to feel like a speck in such a huge landscape. If you are getting …
Happy New Year – Entering 2019
I was just reading something in an old journal from the “2000s” – which doesn’t feel like that long ago. Now we are entering the last year of the “2010s” and soon will enter the “2020s”. For me, the biggest reminder of a new year is how fast we are moving in life. And how life doesn’t wait for us. …
Book Review: No-Nonsense Buddhism for Beginners
Buddhism, something we are surrounded with here in Thailand. Been on a reading frenzy lately – basically when I go out with the wife and kids I slip my kindle in my pocket and read while they are playing or in spare time. Been pretty effective way to get through books. The format of the book was very digestible, as …
Meditation Has Been Life Changing
How do you go about with your meditation and mindset? Mike shares insights and strategies
Merry Christmas from Thailand in 2018!
Just a quick Merry Christmas update from Chiang Mai, Thailand. Evening here (morning in USA) hope to do a call with my parents – video via Wechat pretty amazing when you think about it – you can do a free vide call to the other side of the planet. Last night – Christmas Eve – we went to a nearby …
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