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Research Opening a Company in the Philippines

In philippines business by Michael Michelini16 Comments

Today spent the afternoon going to various Philippines government offices in Makati and Quezon City – trying to determine which, if any, form of corporate entity should be formed here at this moment. Currently I am utilizing the Philippines as a night call center for USA ecommerce businesses, mainly newyorkbarstore. Been getting more confident, and comfortable – as Marie has …

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The Buck Stops Here – Just Making Things Work

In motivation, travel by Michael Michelini6 Comments

So many times we are told “sorry sir, but what you are asking for is not possible”….or other forms of “no”. Our job in life is to turn no into yes! MAKE IT POSSIBLE. MAKE ANSWERS, not questions. In this blog title, i quote Harry Truman in his famous quote ” The Buck Stops Here” – Harry Truman I read …

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Weekend Visit with Charlotte, my goddaughter

In family friends, philippines business, travel by Michael Michelini14 Comments

Since arriving to the Philippines Friday morning, its been an intense, high energy few days…..first of all, I didn’t sleep the night before since I had an early morning flight I figured I would just work straight through and go directly to the airport…..definitely a rockstar style….and I caught some ZZZs in the airplane (but only a 2 hour flight!). …

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Upcoming Travels to Philippines

In philippines business, travel by Michael Michelini2 Comments

Only a few days back in Shenzhen, and already preparing to head out to the Philippines again, this time to take care of some more detailed items at the new home office call center for nightly calls, banking flow, setup some computer and workflow procedures. Will definitely be a much more business trip. And I will be traveling to a …

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We Just Have to Let Go – Resist Resistance

In motivation by Michael Michelini11 Comments

My friend Marshall from all jewish links sent me this article from Kaushik of Beyond Karma about LETTING GO of resistance. Just being who we are, not fearing it. Its about finding out who we are in life, and it seems that as technology, and civilization progress – people are made to feel they have to fit into the cookie …

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More and More People Google Their Own Name

In websites by Michael Michelini8 Comments

Come on….I am sure most of you guys have done it – you go to google and pop in your name and see what comes up, right? I can only imagine this will continue to increase – you want to make sure that when you go for a job interview, apply for a home loan, even go on a dating …

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Remembering the Americans Who Died – Memorial Day

In family friends, usa by Michael Michelini9 Comments

Still strange that I am surrounded by people who don’t know what Memorial Day is! Yes, I know, I’m not in USA, and its a USA holiday….In China and the Philippines, its a normal business day – but in USA banks, postal systems, and most offices are closed. Here’s the internet definition: Memorial Day – legal holiday in the United …

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More Filtering of Internet

In websites by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

Amazing……I keep wondering when, or if ever, the world will just be open about the information that passes. Reading this Fox News article about Bangladesh blocking facebook……as below Bangladesh Blocks Facebook Over Muhammad Cartoons Published May 30, 2010 | Associated Press AP May 28, 2010: Bangladeshi Muslim protesters burn a Swedish flag during a protest against Facebook. Reportedly, Swedish artist …

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Reflections from my Shanghai Trip

In china business by Michael Michelini6 Comments

Heading back to Shenzhen in a bit (sitting in a delayed terminal due to rainstorms in south china), and wanted to summarize and reflect on my 10 days in shanghai. Management – I have always admitted to myself and to others this is my weakness, details and pushing others to work. Also somewhat feel it is cultural differences in style, …

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Suicides in a Chinese Factory – Who To Blame?

In china business by Michael Michelini8 Comments

Been spending over a week here in Shanghai, with the majority of my time around ecommerce and ebay where Mike Song’s office is. Been seeing how he manages his office and organizes the workflow, has been very interesting. I mentioned the other day how much I like dumplings over other Chinese food, and tonight for dinner, his sister prepared HAND …

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Playing both sides of USA and China Internet

In china business, usa by Michael Michelini9 Comments

Had dinner tonight with a couple guys from Paypal China, while here in Shanghai. I am talking to them about payment processing, merchant accounts, IPs in different countries. First of all, CHINA IS GREAT in the fact that I go to a Paypal office, can meet a representative, and then GO OUT FOR DINNER AND DRINKS WITH THEM. Haha, I …

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Staff often calls me Teacher more then Boss….

In china business by Michael Michelini13 Comments

Man….i guess I have seen what it takes to manage workers….and from my going to other offices of companies, I notice I am not alone. Hiring someone is difficult, make sure they are qualified, they want to do the job, they are honest, and hard working. But I want to see the best in everyone….hard to disqualify someone who so …