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Foreigners Accepted in China

In travel, vlog by Mike's Blog TeamLeave a Comment

Foreigners Accepted in China Will We Always be a Foreigner in China? Am I Just a White Monkey? We have discussed “rent-a-white guy” in the past on the blog. In China, as well as other parts of Asia – the media, the image of foreigners has always been highly respected and value. Some say it’s Hollywood, some say because of …

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No Excuses

In productivity, travel, vlog by Mike's Blog TeamLeave a Comment

No Excuses Mike’s Blog 131 Writing this on a bus in Evernote app using one hand. My Mac charger totally died and I can’t charge my laptop to do my morning writing. I’m rushing to Chinaccelerator office to hope someone can let me in so I can charge my laptop and resume work. Then I will go to a market …

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Preparing for the Upcoming Cross Border Matchmaker

In vlog by Mike's Blog TeamLeave a Comment

Preparing for the Upcoming Cross Border Matchmaker No, This is Not a Cross Border Dating Event Mike’s Blog 130 Google matchmaker, especially cross border matchmaker – and you’ll find a ton of sites about connecting rich men with beautiful women in developing countries. Sorry, maybe Wendy and I should have picked a better name – but that is not what …

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Upgrading the TV show

In vlog by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

Getting Out There And Making The TV Show Happen Mike’s Blog 128 Well, we just released the first episode of Ecommerce Gladiator! The production time for this was of epic proportions – what I thought would take a week turned into over 2 weeks of regular coordination. Big shout out to my friends and the talented for working so …

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Staying in Touch with Friends

In family friends, travel, vlog by Mike's Blog TeamLeave a Comment

Staying in Touch with Friends Mike’s Blog 127 How do you maintain friendships, especially when on the other side of the globe? It has been 2 years since I’ve been back home to USA. I spent a few weeks in September/Oct 2015 going to San Francisco, New York, and Florida. My son was about a year and a half year …

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How SEO can Keep You in Business

In business by Mike's Blog TeamLeave a Comment

Think about how you made your last purchase. It doesn’t matter if you bought it online or went to a brick-and-mortar store to buy it. Think about the steps that you took before you actually made the decision to buy. Did you, by any chance, do some research online to find out more about a product or service? If you …

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Foreigners Moving To China

In travel, vlog by Mike's Blog TeamLeave a Comment

Foreigners Moving To China Mikes Blog 126 What’s the deal, why would anyone actually want to move into Mainland China? Why would someone want to leave their home country, their roots, their friends and family, and move into the wild,wild, East. Good question. After the last video blog where I did vent a bit about the recent growing challenges of …

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US Businessman Abroad

In travel, vlog by Mike's Blog TeamLeave a Comment

Us Businessman Abroad Mike’s Blog 125 Today I’ll vent a bit. I’m an American. I was born in USA. Yup, so I’m part of an association of human beings called US Citizens and other human beings born in another piece of dirt in the world outside of that imaginary line are non-US citizens. Oh, ya, and some people not born …

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Loving the E-Commerce Gladiator TV Logo

In business by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

Loving E-Commerce Gladiator TV Just got the logo from and it is freaking amazing! Thanks guys! Notice it has the roman helmets but some of the people are in business suits. Then the money. And then the swords. It is also made horizontal orientation as it will be part of the opening scene. Join us in the battle – …

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Preparing for the TV Show

In travel, vlog by Mike's Blog TeamLeave a Comment

Preparing For the TV Show Mike’s Blog 124 It is getting real! In this video blog, we are behind the scenes with Mariko, Wendy, and I as we prepare for the first episode of E-commerce Gladiator. I could feel the pressure building up as the video blog continued on – then it got so real once the lighting was set-up …

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Doing Things That Scare You

In travel, vlog by Mike's Blog Team2 Comments

Doing Things That Scare You Mike’s Blog 123 I’m scared. I’m afraid. Yes, I said it, I am nervous. Courage – is not – not being afraid. Instead, it is acting against the fear. It is taking action and going forward even though we may lose, we may fail, things may not turn out the way that we thought they …

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Doubling Down

In vlog by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

Doubling Down Mike’s Blog 122 Who do you look to when you want to make a big decision? When you want to take your business or your life to the next level. The answer should be – yourself. There is no one else in control of your life except yourself. Sure, you may have some limiting beliefs about others who …

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How To Make Decision with 2 Great Choices

In vlog by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

2 great choices, how do you decide? Mike’s Blog 121 We have all been there – getting pulled in 2 directions and both seem really amazing. A lot of times, we take option 3 and that is – to take both. Because saying no is so hard, or you don’t want to hurt someone else’s feelings. But picking one, and …

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Balancing Work and Life – Mike’s Blog 120

In vlog by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

How To Balance Work and Life and Family? Mike’s Blog 120 The cool thing about being a young dude is you don’t have to worry about much. I think this is why a lot of investors like to invest in young college kids like a Mark Zuckerberg starting Facebook. You can just pretty much live on nothing – pizza, instant …