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China Continues to Develop Its Marketing + Product Management

In china business, china seo by Michael Michelini2 Comments

Speaking to my friend Fion at Timev, the Xiamen China SEO company that organizes various internet meetups in China, she helped translate my Social Media presentation in Xiamen. I have been in touch with her on weibo (Chinese twitter) and its great she is explaining there are more developments in Chinese marketing and internet promotions. As I have said over …

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5th Meetup for Shenzhen Ecommerce Group

In Events by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

**Note — room is 401 Block-B Kingdee instead of the first floor **** Also, an additional speaker –> 郑伟彤, Product Director in Kingdee, speaking on Business Model of ******************************* The Shenzhen Internet Marketing Group is organizing a meetup on Saturday afternoon, June 18, in the afternoon from 1pm to approx 5 or 6pm. 1) cost – its FREE. the …

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Motivational Speaker For Startup Monday Hong Kong #SUMHK

In hong kong business by Michael Michelini2 Comments

Startups Hong Kong has been growing to be sooo packed, this photo was from William Liang tonight. There are more organized speakers coming, tonight Derek Kwik attended, a venture capitalist in technology and mobile payments. A very ambitious, sports bugg, having running across 4 deserts. He compares running across a desert like like running a business, very difficult, takes perseverance …

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Visit To The Hong Kong Entrepreneur Day Expo

In hong kong business by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

My buddy @AndreMartin luckily alerted me about the HKTDC entrepreneur fair that is going on in Wan Chai expo center today and tomorrow. And even more lucky is that I happened to be in Hong Kong! Very fortunate, granted that I didn’t plan for this. I asked around, this is a yearly event, and some people advised it may not …

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Presentations & Results from 4th Meetup

In News, Presentations by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

We had a great 4th meetup for the Shenzhen ecommerce group! Approximately 40 people came, good mix of Chinese and English backgrounds. Allen Qu, from spoke about Chinese SEO – his ppt is here: Baidu SEO Tao bao strategies by Zhu Li taobao-sales-optimization Cross border logistics, by Richard Li from 4px

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Factory Power Outages, A Reality Of Chinese Factories

In china business by Michael Michelini6 Comments

Just another struggle with Chinese factory life…not sure if people here know, but due to high energy consumption and limited capacity of factories in China – they turn off power in certain factories. This is not the choice of the factory, but instead the local or province government forcing this to happen in order to prevent power outages (blackouts, brownouts) …

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Visit To a Shenzhen Bluetooth Factory

In china business by Michael Michelini6 Comments

A rainy Monday here in shenzhen, took a trip with my friend James to Long Hua district of shenzhen, the factory district of this massive city. It is a growing factory that wants to expand towards direct distribution, invited some foreigners to visit, discuss cooperation and assistance in marketing and branding. Late last year I had visited a mouse factory …