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Week plan Jan 19 to 25 2020

In now by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

What is Mike Up To Now – Jan 19 to 25, 2020 Missing my wife and kids. This is harder than I thought. Wechat video calls are not the same. Recovering from volcano / getting sick – jeez, what a rough week starting in Manila. But volcano seems gone for now (? I hope) and air is better and my …

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Arrived in Manila, Miss Family, Lot of Work To Do

In now by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

What is Mike Up To Now – Jan 12 – 18, 2020 Greetings from Manila, Philippines. Arrived early Friday morning after a rather rough flight from Shenyang, to Shenzhen (2 hour delay there) and then arriving first thing in the morning Friday to Alpha Rock. (Video blog being created now) Preparing For week w/ ARC – Ready to “rock”, we …

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Preparing: Dongbei to Manila

In now by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

What is Mike Up To Now – Jan 5, 2020 to Jan 11, 2020 Weekly update – quick bullet points: * Last few days in my wife’s hometown of Shenyang, China with her and the kids (and the in-laws). * Mother in law on the cancer medication and lets see how it goes. * Flying to Manila, Philippines Thursday evening …

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Travel Warnings From US Consulate For Being in China

In travel by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

Just another day living in China. But I am not sure what email list I am on – but this just came in from the American Embassy. 12 mins ago Subject: Updated Travel Advisory From: americancitizensinchina @ The Department of State renewed its Travel Advisory for China on December 31, 2019. The Department continues to advise travelers to exercise …

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What is Mike Up to Now – Dec 29 – Jan 4 2020

In now by Michael Michelini1 Comment

What is Mike Upto Now – Dec 29 – Jan 4 2020 * Still freezing in Shenyang, China. * Mother in law’s battle with cancer – Those reading my blog see my mother in law has a late stage cancer treatment medicine endeavor to face Monday. * Brainstorming / preparing for 2020 – the last week of the year I …

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My Mother In Law’s Fight With Melanoma

In family friends by Michael Michelini1 Comment

So one of the major reasons I am in Shenyang for Christmas is my strong mother-in-law is fighting with melanoma. Makes me think back to my beautiful and amazing Aunt Nina. Actually seems there is many health issues right now in the family – in previous blog updates we mentioned my father in law having heart surgery (seems due to …

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Reliving “China Experiences” Through My Children

In family friends by Michael Michelini1 Comment

My Son Is Eating Bugs in China (Reliving My First China Experiences) Back here in China now, and at the wife’s hometown. First up for dinner, dumplings – ok, sure – acceptable. But also some kind of bug larva. Miles was so scared when it first came on the table , standing up on his chair and pointing. Everyone laughed. …

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Landed in Shenyang, Week Plan Dec 22

In now by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

What Mike is Up to Dec 22- 28, 2019 Quick highlights: * Arrived in Shenyang, China – Typing this up from my aunt-in-law’s kitchen table in deep north China. Luckily has heating so don’t need to type with gloves! Will be here for the “Western” holidays. * May go to Harbin for Ice Festival (even colder) but doing it for …

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Packing It Up This Week

In now by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

Week Plan Dec 15 – 21, 2019 Highlights: Quick update, still in Chiang Mai, Thailand til Friday – working hard on content as I prepare to go to China where the internet doesn’t work. Kid’s Christmas Party Thursday Dec 19 (that is why we stayed this long!) Content creation and online marketing as usual Keeping this one short – honestly …