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Weekend in Hoboken, New Jersey

In family friends, usa by Michael Michelini2 Comments

After the wedding Friday night in Chinatown, came over to Hoboken, new jersey to spend some time with friends and see my university, Stevens Institute of Technology. Because everyone keeps asking me when I can meet them, I quickly setup a facebook event for Saturday – I didn’t have time to call people and invite one by one. Hustling back …

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The New York Hustle – Memory Lane

In usa by Michael Michelini4 Comments

Doesnt feel like its been 2 and a half years since ive been here…..spending the past couple days here it feels like i just left yesterday…… Since i am jet lagged (strange because im used to switching from day to night shift so often) i have been waking up early around 630am and not able to get back to sleep …

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5 Ways I Stay Motivated

In business, motivation by Michael Michelini2 Comments

I think one of the most critical parts of running your own small business is to STAY MOTIVATED. It is definitely an emotional roller coaster….riding the highs of a great sales day, having everything fit perfectly and operations moving smoothly… the opposite side of the spectrum when you’re losing sales, staff issues, and times when nothing seems to go right …

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Welcome Back To NEW YORK CITY!!

In usa by Michael Michelini11 Comments

Haha, im back to USA! What a trip… the back of a jumbo jet with 4 huge chinese families… running around, babies testing their new vocal cords… much for getting sleep on the plane. Arriving in nyc…..45 min late……the customs line was outrageous….like a circus, literally – there must have been a plane from italy arriving at the same time……tons …

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Doing Business in China – in 1 day

In china business by Michael Michelini1 Comment

doing business in china….efficiently, effectively? Hahaha, man…..well, when u gotta cram it in, things just have to work….i am getting better (ie more patient) at this game called “doing business in china” Tried my best to prepare these 24 hours between Philippines and usa – talking to people, planning, arranging almost hour to hour The error in planning so tightly …

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Remembering Sept 11, 2001

In usa by Michael Michelini4 Comments

seeing various tweets (messages on twitter) reminding me about the days of September 11 – and I thought I would take some time to share what I saw and experienced and felt that day. I was a junior in university at Stevens Tech, in hoboken, new jersey – which is right on the Hudson River overlooking the manhattan skyline which …

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Getting Excited + Nervous – USA Trip Next Week

In travel, usa by Michael Michelini6 Comments

Man, its almost here……1 more week (next Wednesday) and I’ll be back inside US borders. Wonder what the US customs official is gonna see when he sees my last date of entry was June 2008! A little nervous, its been so long. to see friends, family, customers, potential customers, online friends I have never met… Hope I can get everything …

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The New Internet – Being A HUMAN BEING

In business by Michael Michelini6 Comments

Kinda been on a rampage tonight…..I want my beating heart out there online! I think more of us have to open up and be HUMAN BEINGS on the internet, not robots (like this Terminator in the post) I’m kinda tired about hearing / seeing: On twitter people with 10,000 followers and they are only following 50 people. Come on….and then …

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Feeling It – Flying Up In The Air

In usa by Michael Michelini14 Comments

Its been a few days since I have been blogging…kinda off track as I’m getting more and more negative energy from people about why I blog, and why I blog here for free. and how people who I may not want to read it, read it. and how it may negatively effect my business having staff, customers, and competitors reading …

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Teaching American Culture, Makes Me Think

In philippines business, usa by Michael Michelini6 Comments

Just landed in Manila today, unpacked, and am now working USA schedule, from 10am to 7pm. Have 3 new workers to train, and have prepared more powerpoint training seminars (feel like a powerpoint machine lately…training, ebooks, etc). We went over ecommerce in USA, Shadstone company introduction, and my favorite one so far Understanding American Culture: Dealing with American customers for …

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Oh No! Heading Back to Manila, Philippines!

In philippines business by Michael Michelini4 Comments

Yeap, in Hong Kong airport, going BACK to Philippines. Keep getting the tweets and the texts / calls about how its too dangerous to go, I’m going to be kidnapped, held hostage, blah blah. But really, to be honest, this wasn’t in the agenda, returning to the Philippines, I was planning to stay in China the last 2 weeks until …

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Most People Are a Direct Reflection of Their Peers

In motivation by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

I love this quote by Tony Robbins: Most people are direct reflections of their peer group, Just another great quote I found on twitter, nice (yes, I keep showing people why I love twitter! just keeps inspiring me)! But yes, we become who we surround ourselves with…..what we hear each day, the news we listen to, the perspective and experiences …