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2 Amazing Tools to Help Me Prepare for An Amazing 2014

In motivation by Michael Michelini8 Comments

Every 365 days everyone gets excited for another year for the books and another year to start. A clean slate. I believe life is all about learning about oneself, what he/she likes and is good at, and the people he or she wants to spend their time with. I do believe I’ve gotten better at controlling my life and my …

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2013 Year in Review

In business by Michael Michelini3 Comments

Remember last Christmas in Beijing eating pizza with my soon to be wife Wendy wondering if I (we) would live in Beijing or Shenzhen or Shanghai! Wow, how fast a year can pass! That location decision ended up being Shenzhen – mainly because my tech co-founder and other team members were primarily in Hong Kong (and Hong Kong cost of …

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6 Months Before I’m a Father, Again Reinventing Myself

In business by Michael Michelini2 Comments

It’s Saturday night – I skipped out on a wine and cheese networking event – have been much less social than usual. But much more focused. I feel its what some would consider “re-inventing”, or maybe others would call maturing. Others maybe growing as a human being. I’m embracing it, and I will continue to “reinvent” until I find that …

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8 Global From Asia Podcast Episodes Now Online!

In business by Michael Michelini4 Comments

Was a bit of an investment to get the Podcast setup (technically and emotionally) but once the flow is going, it is quite fun! Still a little bit nervous watching my recorded voice on the audacity recording software (podcast recording system), but definitely getting more comfortable each time. I’m also wondering how I should promote it here on my “personal …

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Techcrunch Meetup in Shenzhen! Friday Nov 22

In business by Michael Michelini2 Comments

More networking! A bit short notice, but a pleasure indeed, John Biggs from Techcrunch is back in Chin (for Techcrunch Shanghai event) and then coming down to the south to do informal meetups in Hong Kong and Shenzhen to meet the local startup and gadget community! Jeff Broer is helping to organize in Hong Kong, and I will help out …

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Startup Weekend PRD Mania: Guangzhou, Hong Kong, Shenzhen

In startup by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

Startup weekend is really picking up (finally), in China! And 3 of them all almost back to back here in the PRD (Pearl River Delta) This past weekend Guangzhou had their 2nd startup weekend (1st was way back in May 2012) and a local organizing team has really picked it up and ran with it! Check out guangzhou. startupweekend .org …

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Crankin’ out a Podcast – “Global From Asia” (GFA): International Business via Hong Kong

In hong kong business by Michael Michelini4 Comments

As a direct result from this past weekend’s yearly DCBKK meetup, I’m finally gonna execute and start my first podcast (radio) channel – titled “Global From Asia: International Business via Hong Kong“. I know, I know, where will I get the time for this? Well, I am going to try my best to schedule maybe Sunday or Monday morning …

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Amazing #DCBKK Bangkok: Time to Step up My Game – Turn Pressure into Action!

In business by Michael Michelini8 Comments

Sitting at the Bangkok Airport writing this up…mind is still spinning from ideas and motivation from this past weekend’s Dynamite Circle Bangkok (DCBKK) yearly conference. My life is already undergoing massive changes with my wedding coming up, baby on the way, and startup Social Agent taking shape. This conference just helped re-ignite my passion for the internet, blogging, and will …

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Gonna be a Daddy! Found out while in Japan!

In family friends by Michael Michelini25 Comments

Life is really moving in the fast lane! Both in personal and in startup life, and in travel! As many now know, I got engaged and will have a wedding ceremony Jan 11, 2013 in Shenzhen, China. Also a USA trip afterwards. Currently took a 3 day trip to Okinawa, Japan for a ROSA (Regional Organizer Summit for Asia) …