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Startup Weekend PRD Mania: Guangzhou, Hong Kong, Shenzhen

In startup by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

Startup weekend is really picking up (finally), in China! And 3 of them all almost back to back here in the PRD (Pearl River Delta) This past weekend Guangzhou had their 2nd startup weekend (1st was way back in May 2012) and a local organizing team has really picked it up and ran with it! Check out guangzhou. startupweekend .org …

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Crankin’ out a Podcast – “Global From Asia” (GFA): International Business via Hong Kong

In hong kong business by Michael Michelini4 Comments

As a direct result from this past weekend’s yearly DCBKK meetup, I’m finally gonna execute and start my first podcast (radio) channel – titled “Global From Asia: International Business via Hong Kong“. I know, I know, where will I get the time for this? Well, I am going to try my best to schedule maybe Sunday or Monday morning …

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Amazing #DCBKK Bangkok: Time to Step up My Game – Turn Pressure into Action!

In business by Michael Michelini8 Comments

Sitting at the Bangkok Airport writing this up…mind is still spinning from ideas and motivation from this past weekend’s Dynamite Circle Bangkok (DCBKK) yearly conference. My life is already undergoing massive changes with my wedding coming up, baby on the way, and startup Social Agent taking shape. This conference just helped re-ignite my passion for the internet, blogging, and will …

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Gonna be a Daddy! Found out while in Japan!

In family friends by Michael Michelini25 Comments

Life is really moving in the fast lane! Both in personal and in startup life, and in travel! As many now know, I got engaged and will have a wedding ceremony Jan 11, 2013 in Shenzhen, China. Also a USA trip afterwards. Currently took a 3 day trip to Okinawa, Japan for a ROSA (Regional Organizer Summit for Asia) …

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Chinese National Holiday & More Passport Visa Realities

In china business by Michael Michelini7 Comments

I know most people outside of China aren’t aware of the Chinese holidays but the past couple weeks have been back-to-back holidays Mid autumn festival (mooncakes) was 2 weeks ago (went up to Beijing and then Shenyang) Workweek started again last Sunday for 3 days and then back to another holiday starting Wednesday Wangxia and I had a trip to …

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Preparing for Beijing, China Trip, September 15 to 19

In china business by Michael Michelini2 Comments

Pushing the envelope. I’ll be flying up to Beijing next Sunday September 15th and stay for a few days until the Mid Autumn Festival (Chinese holiday) starts. As always, jamming as much as I can in just a few days. Here’s the current agenda: Sunday, September 15th – fly in from Shenzhen, not making any plans as anticipating delayed flights …

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Chinese Expanding Overseas! Hong Kong’s First “Emerging China” Networking

In china business, hong kong business by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

Last Friday I was able to attend a new kind of networking association called “Emerging China”, hosted by some great, experienced dot com era veterans who are back to make some new networking and connections happen! William invited me personally and I was extremely flattered, even able to travel from Shenzhen with the speakers and other organizers! There were 2 …