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In China 5 kinds of friends

In china business, family friends by Michael Michelini8 Comments

Chatting to my friend, Qui Qui (Jane) online the other day, and I thought I would share this, and maybe get some input from others. qiuqiu says: the sequence is that 1) a strange man who help you 2) understanding friend 3)bosom friend 4) intimate friend 5) a friend just like myself – a friend who is very very understand …

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Shanghai Travel Make Me Realize

In china business by Michael Michelini21 Comments

I guess I am getting too confident on my chinese traveling skills, hit a bunch of speed bumps last night….I tried saving money to shanghai and booked a night flight leaving around 10:30pm. And of course, like normal, there was a flight delay – for “flow of flight control” per the repeating PA announcement in Chinese and English. There was …

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When stressed, write down your worries

In motivation by Michael Michelini10 Comments

I wish I could remember who taught me this….but when I get totally overwhelmed and confused….I have trained myself to take a deep breath and write everything down….prioritize it.. Keeping customers happy – sometimes I freak out that maybe customer service isn’t good, or quality of a product is going to be an issue. These can be controlled, and I …

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sometimes I cry – can a man cry?

In motivation by Michael Michelini1 Comment

Yes, I will say it, sometimes I cry! Is it a bad thing? I am talking to my friend Jojo now in chat, and in China it seems like if a man cries, he will “lose face”. he is weak. he cannot be in control. Maybe its not only in China. Seems all over the world, in cultures its the …

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I don’t want to manage people like a slavedriver!

In business by Michael Michelini5 Comments

Its something that I am constantly battling….how to align people to do work they like to do, and to do work that I need to get done for a project or company….I do find myself PUSHING a lot….as I have little patience and I know what has to be done, but want others to know/learn how to do it quickly …

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Commonly Asked – Why Did I Come To China?

In china business by Michael Michelini31 Comments

People always ask me “why did you move to china” or “do you think you made the right decision quitting you dayjob and coming to china to start your own business”…well, lets reflect on each of these separately Why did i move to china – sure, i ask myself that every now and then….why i didnt have the most clear …