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Presentation Files from the 2nd meetup

In Presentations by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

Here are the presentation files from the 2nd meetup. (note, we have to wait permission from some before uploading to the internet) Michael Michelini, seo for b2b china factories (english) , Chinese ppt here Huck Liang, RMB/USD trade settlement. soho importing into china Alex Hornstein – Incubators, hackerspaces & coworking (pile of junk) the pile of junk Jeff Wang – …

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Thanks For Attending the 2nd ecommerce meetup

In News by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

Thank you everyone for coming to the 2nd Shenzhen ecommerce meeting. Great attendance with over 100 people, we are excited there is such interest for these types of events. We will soon get: 1) the presentation ppt files uploaded to the site – we just need to get permission from each of the speakers. 2) Survey – we are working …

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Building Up Interest for This Saturday

In News by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

We definitely have a lot of interest in this upcoming saturday event – having promoted it on the 3 most popular Shenzhen English websites below. We also have a crowd from the Chinese internet community coming as well, from Ushi. hearing shenzhen TV may come. Getting calls daily. Will be a lot of fun. Check out the advertisements below …

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Reflecting on My Experiences at my first Tech Startup – Kozmo

In usa by Michael Michelini1 Comment

Taking a #bootup break (I’m at boot hk startup camp weekend) to reflect on my personal experience with It was a summer intern during the dot com bubble – the year 2000 – what a great year. Magical – my freshman summer at Stevens Institute of Technology, studying computer engineering, living at my newly joined fraternity chapter house – …

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2nd Shenzhen Internet Marketing Meetup

In Events by Mike's Blog Team6 Comments

Since we had such a great turnout and positive interest in continuing the regular meetings, we are currently looking into the best date and location for the next events. The 2nd meetup is coming after Chinese New Year, on March 5, 2011, still at Kingdee Software Park.  We will have these to speak and one case study this time. – …

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Do I Need Money To Be Successful?

In business by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

Is Money Really Everything? Its kind of a second post in a series, yesterday I talked about do I need to be a programmer to be successful in a startup, today do we need money to be successful in a startup? Maybe its because am I a middle man in this whole process? Is my role not as valuable as …

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Do I Need To Be A Programmer To Be Successful?

In business, websites by Michael Michelini5 Comments

This has to be something we all think about when considering a startup, especially as technology and the internet continue to be the center of most startups. Over and over again, I get people coming to me asking for development companies to make their idea….and I have to kind of worry. Outsourcing scares me…its putting your money into the hands …

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More Americans Wanting to Move to China!

In china business, usa by Michael Michelini7 Comments

It seems at least one per day now, either email, facebook message, twitter DM, or random add on skype and a chat. Phone calls and I don’t know where they got my number. MORE AND MORE AMERICANS WHO WANT TO RE-LOCATE TO CHINA. Some want to teach english, others want to start a business, some who want a fresh start …