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We Bought a Shoelace Amazon Business

In blog, business, e-commerce by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

We Just Bought a Shoelace Business (example of what I’m doing lately) To give people on the personal blog a bit of an example, at Alpha Rock Capital we just purchased a business selling elastic shoelaces on Amazon. They previous owner had been building it up for a couple years and it is a top ranking product in the re-usable …

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Success: Crossed into China + Processed a China Visa

In china business by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

Made it into China! Was a bit stressful, for two or three reasons. First, I was hanging out in Hong Kong longer than expected. The China visa application for Marc got delayed – it was supposed to be picked up last Friday – but the embassy rejected the Shadstone invitation letter – saying the chop (stamp) wasn’t clear enough and …

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Preparing To Cross The Border Into China

In china business by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

Preparing to Enter China (Border Preparations) Monday – September 16 – after a long weekend in Hong Kong – time to head into Shenzhen, Mainland China. Friends told me not to travel on the weekend with the protests as it would be too risky for delays in transport, etc. So Monday is the day. Had a great weekend with Marc …

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Chatting Investments with Kevin Shee in Hong Kong

In business by Michael Michelini1 Comment

Chatting Investments with Kevin Shee in Hong Kong What an intense weekend it has been! While doing networking, catching up w Marc, and getting work done – over the weekend was able to catch up w/ Kevin Shee, an experienced entrepreneur for 15+ years and a new host of the Kevin Shee show! We caught up at the Kerry Hotel …

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Old Business Connections in Chiang Mai

In business by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

A good couple days with friends from Shenzhen moving and visiting Chiang Mai, Thailand. It really does feel that a lot of foreigners are leaving China and Thailand has been a hot spot for them! Steve from Trustrade and I had a business meeting. We are looking for ways to collaborate with our networks (doing a joint event in Shenzhen …

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Are you a Dolphin, Peacock, Owl, or a Lion?

In blog, china business by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

Are you a Lion, Peacock, Owl, or Dolphin? My wife always gives me another way at looking at the world. As she dives deeper into Buddhism, I often learn from various discussions we have. I’m not going to lie, lately I’m under a ton of pressure, being a dad / parent isn’t easy – the costs increase, and the work …

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Taking a Loan or Selling Shares for an Investment

In business by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

I see a growing entrepreneur in my network – a female entrepreneur in the Philippines – which makes me even more excited to help her and mentor her to get to the next level with her business. She asked me for help in deciding how to handle people interested to invest in her business, and what the difference is between …

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Another China Expedition Sept 2019

In china business by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

The September 2019 China Trip Working out to be about once a month – and just laying it out on the blog – the Thailand to China trip plans. Arrive hong Kong 8pm Thursday Sept 12 HKT 20:35 Hong Kong HKG Thai AirAsia 3h 35m ==== Friday Sept 13, 2019 – small, private dinner with friends/supporters of Global From Asia …

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Superfans Book Review

In Books by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

Another positive book and influence from TeamFlynn Thanks Pat, for your continued support and motivation to me and all the many other superfine in your community. Your podcast and extensive tutorials online helped me get the knowledge and confidence to get out there and start podcasting back in 2013 and have been pushing forward with it ever since (with an …

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Making a Bigger Impact

In business, motivation by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

Making a bigger impact. Donald Trump, the man with even more attention than he did in the TV days – one quote I really like from him is: If you’re doing to do something, do it big! A quote I am trying to live by more. It is true, if you are going to do a business, why aim small? …

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New Life (blogger + investor)

In business by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

Adjusting to the Life of Blogger and Investor With the recent news of selling Sisitano to Alpha Rock Capital – an Amazon FBA acquisitions firm, and joining as Director of Business Development – I am now a blogger, podcaster, and investor.  Being on the other side of the table, I do miss being an entreprener. Yet I am already helping …

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Kids Back To School (what its all about these days)

In family friends by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

My Kindergarten Kids – Maggie and Miles Growing Up Life is seriously flying by. Both the kids are now in proper studies. Their English is 10x when it was this time last year – moving over from Shenzhen, China overpaying and getting less quality. Hope my kids learn from this. Don’t just settle. Don’t just stay where you are because …