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ABB – Always Be Building

In blog, motivation by Michael Michelini

chatting to my dad and mom on Facebook today – and they sent a photo of me when I was a kid. Struck a cord with me. Was always building. Trying to make a taller tower of blocks. Creating. Let’s all just keep on creating. ABB – always be building.

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Get Ahead in Q4

In blog, e-commerce, vlog by Michael Michelini

Year 2020 is a wild year and, I mean that in every aspect. Covid-19 has got everyone in a quandary on what to do next. Lockdown, quarantine and testing were just some of those buzz words that got everyone wondering what lies ahead. But it also brought many opportunities especially for e-Commerce business owners. Because, when almost everyone was in …

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Sharing, Coaching, Creating

In now by Michael Michelini

What’s Mike Michelini up to now – Nov 15 – 21, 2020 Really feel like 2021 is just around the corner – especially once we hit Thanksgiving and the holiday shopping season. Let’s make the most of the rest of this insane year and double down for an amazing 2021. * Working on my salesmanship skills, know it is my …

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Why I Moved to China

In blog, vlog by Michael Michelini

This is a common question I get from people. An American in China, yes, that’s me. But the journey started from not having the idea on what to do. I know, we all went through that phase. We just differed in how we dealt with it. In my case, I crossed borders. Not getting what I mean? Watch this short …

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Practice Being a Coach To The Team

In now by Michael Michelini

What is Mike Michelini Up To Now? Nov 8 to 14, 2020 * Kids back in full time school in November (ya, I just found that out on Nov 1, ha!) and I do the English teaching once they are out of school before dinner. As the only foreigner here, I’m trying to keep the English classes going as well …

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How Much Sleep To Be Effective?

In blog, productivity, vlog by Michael Michelini

A common thing I get is how do we keep up with all the tasks and projects and still get rest? Following Gary Vee and his hustle mindset and agenda. I was fortunate enough to meet him in person in Hong Kong during the Rise Conference and got an autographed copy of his book. While doing that, I threw a …

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Growing the CCC (content community consulting)

In now by Michael Michelini

What Mike Is Upto Now Nov 1 – 8, 2020 * Still in Shenyang China. No short term plan to go anywhere for now – I home school a couple hours a day and other family members help for a few other hours. * Focused on the 3 C – consulting, community, content – in the ecommerce and cross border …

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Working Online With Kids

In vlog by Michael Michelini

“It doesn’t happen.” This was what Anna said when I asked her how it was working online with her four-year old daughter, Ania, around. True, working remotely does have its share of disadvantages. But of course, one major thing that can erase all that is the fact that you will get to be on top of caring for your kids. …

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Hosting Global Sources Webinar

In blog, e-commerce, Events, vlog by Michael Michelini

The right product, the right price at the right time. This was the sub-theme of Global Sources’ Webinar on Omni-channel E-commerce held on October 15, 2020. I had the pleasure of hosting the said webinar and to moderate the panel. Learned more about Omni-channel and the cross border trade in general. Didn’t even notice that it got dark in my …

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Upgrading Podcast to Live Stream

In now by Michael Michelini

What is Mike Upto Now – Oct 25 – Oct 31, 2020 Focusing on content as that is our core strength and making GFA podcast into a live streaming weekly show. This Thursday 7pm HK time will be our third one (but more prepared one as we have been still testing) with Sharon Gai from Alibaba talking about how SME …

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Feeling the Flow

In now by Michael Michelini

What is Mike Michelini up to – Oct 18 – 24, 2020 * Home schooling kids in afternoons again – just wasn’t happy w/ various parts of the kindergarten. And I enjoy going through a book (I have a structure now) and also doing interactive creative creation projects on youtube with them. * Global From Asia will be 7 years …

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Connecting Community + Team

In now by Michael Michelini

What Mike Michelini is up to Oct 11 – 17, 2020 Theme: the regular: online team / online systems development, GFAVIP community, website/ecommerce network building Personal: Pulling kids out of kindergarten Mother in law’s birthday The quick bullet points: * Welcoming more GFAVIP members, Angelica our community manager really getting great at supporting this. As well as Cheryl on client …

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E-commerce Networking Community

In blog, e-commerce, vlog by Michael Michelini

Working online can be a grind. It is all about community and networking. Over the years at the Global From Asia community – we have put together a private membership, GFAVIP, where we have been hosting online sessions, group trainings, and a full library of courses on ecommerce and online business. We’re doing this because especially in these times, working …

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Mountain Hike During Golden Week Holiday in Shenyang

In blog, family friends, vlog by Michael Michelini

Yes, been a while since the last vlog – but hope you are enjoying the shorter more focused videos on a specific topic or thing we are working on here instead. Those who miss these vlogs, here we go – finally leaving the house again (seems whenever I leave the house I have to take the camera!) for an extended …