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Studying About Immigration into America

In travel, usa by Michael Michelini3 Comments

No, I’m not getting married – I have been interested in a few different ways to bring foreigners into America, like: Chinese or Filipino workers who are excelling in their job and want the opportunity to work in America businessmen I have good working relationships with in China or other countries that would like to visit USA Students who want …

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Being Yourself Online

In business by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

Reading Chris Brogan’s post and its simple, yet inspiring!! All I know is while I’m down here in florida with my grandma, uncles, parents, cousins TALKING ABOUT facebook and internet and mobile web – I KNOW this is where its at. I’m glad I’ve been studying it for so many years, at least 6 years intensely, but really since early …

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Family sunday with cousin alicia + family

In family friends by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

Man, it could be a full time job re-connecting with my family! Jeez, I don’t have the biggest family in the world, but there are cousins, aunts, uncles all over the place – eastern florida, western florida, Connecticut, Vermont, milwakee. Grandparents from both sides were in NY and CT to start, but after some retirements and lifestyle choices people ended …

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Another Personality Shaping Movie – Groundhog Day

In motivation by Michael Michelini2 Comments

I know I have been doing a lot of “movie reviews” but hey, I’m hanging out at my parent’s house catching up and hanging on the couch with them is bonding. This is another movie that is in VHS cassette version, yup, needed a VCR player. But I have watched this countless times when I was younger, and had to …

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My Transition to Minimalism + Focusing on Life, not Things

In travel by Michael Michelini5 Comments

Got an email today from Kate who says she’s been following my blog for some time now – nice – thanks for reading! And again, I am a believer on minimalism – after moving around so much, “stuff” isn’t really that valuable, you have to pay to move it, or give it away (wait, I mean try to sell it …

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More American Jobs with a Lower USD/RMB?

In china business, usa by Michael Michelini10 Comments

Even though I’m “kinda on vacation” down in Florida with my family, I’m still keeping up with the daily news. All this news about the Chinese government artificially keeping the US dollar low versus their Chinese yuan (rmb) currency –> USD/RMB – or a higher Chinese Yuan (RMB) to a US dollar (RMB/USD). Today I read on the news: China …

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Reflections from visit with nana, indirect pressure

In family friends by Michael Michelini12 Comments

Just arrived back home, my grandmother (nana) lives in the next retirement community so its a quick drive over. Spent some evening hours talking with her, and my 2 uncles – Uncle Steve and Uncle Gary. I was reminded how rough the USA economy still is……as my uncle Gary is still without a job and Steve is getting by. Nana …

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Just Watched The Movie “Rudy” for Inspiration

In motivation by Michael Michelini2 Comments

At my parent’s house and looked through the DVD collection, finding a classic and favorite of mine – “Rudy” – to inspire me this Sunday evening in Florida. Just been an overwhelming time for me going between all these countries and business developments, etc….just have to take a couple hours and get some motivational movies in. Rudy, the movie, man …

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Attention – I’m not always on vacation!

In family friends, motivation by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

Heck, i’m like never really on vacation, always working and playing together…and I kinda have been stressing out lately (sure, I guess I’m always stressed!) but being back in USA is great, and fun and exciting. BUT I’M not on vacation!!!! So many people think that I’m here to relax – telling me to stop checking my phone, my email, …

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Integrating Personal Life and Business Life

In business by Michael Michelini4 Comments

I remember trying to separate personal and business. Trying to have the corporate name and websites be different from my personal name. There were a few reasons for it: 1) Too young – maybe I would be perceived as too young to own and operate a business, and if a potential customer saw that I was the owner, operator – …

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New York is Still The Center of The World

In usa by Michael Michelini15 Comments

We can’t predict how our lives will turn out, and we shouldn’t force ourselves to be bound to what we think should happen. Coming into New York City last week, I thought I would spend a couple weeks here, travel around, meet friends, customers, potential deals, and then go to west coast and back to China / Philippines. Each day …