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New Domain –

In websites by Michael Michelini4 Comments

Excited to post that today’s blog is being written and published on a new domain – For the past 7 years I have had been using the domain, and before that I was using Why the Domain Change? Well, as much I like people to remember my name – I think the full name is hard …

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New Startup Office, Investing on Separating Home & Work

In business by Michael Michelini7 Comments

Been extremely busy lately – baby due in a bit over a month, still pushing as hard as humanly possible with my startup Social Agent, and just moving into a separate home office 1 building over from where I live. As a full-time entrepreneur over the past 7 years, I have had both fixed offices, home offices, and flexible (aka …

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How I Obtained a Chinese Driver’s Permit

In china business by Michael Michelini11 Comments

A few days ago I got a Chinese driver’s permit – and once I shared the news my friends on social media were so curious how to do it – so I thought I’d take the time and blog about the process. Thanks to Angel, Chris, Wangxia for the help! So this isn’t an actual Chinese driver’s license – its …

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Turning 33 – Focused, Determined, & Family-Man to be

In family friends by Michael Michelini8 Comments

No big birthday party this year – I’m maturing. I’m focused. I’m executing. I see a path. I have great friends who support me, and give me great advice when I’m in need. I may be under some of the greatest stress I’ve ever been – but good friends are stepping up giving me amazing ideas and straight feedback for …

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Conclusions from My USA Roadtrip

In usa by Michael Michelini2 Comments

Typing this email up on my airplane from San Francisco to Seoul, Korea. Airplane rides are always kind of like a “transition” from one place to another, one state of mind to another. And I’ve been digesting the last 1 month in USA. Definitely an invaluable experience, and as always in my life – a mix of business and personal …

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Meeting Long Lost Family in New York City!

In family friends by Michael Michelini2 Comments

This effects from this blog continues to amaze me and influence my life! Last Friday afternoon I received a call from an unknown number in New York. He said he is my long lost uncle on my Russian grandmother’s side – I have to admit, as much as I try to be open minded, I was a bit skeptical – …

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Hyper-Fast Memory Lane in Hartford, Connecticut

In usa by Michael Michelini1 Comment

Nice to see Everyone, but so quick! Like a world wind tour – on this USA tour I am on I booked a few days in the city I was born and raised – Hartford, Connecticut. Also was nice that it worked out to be during Chinese New Years week – so the emails and workflow slowed down a little …

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1st Week of our USA Roadtrip

In business by Michael Michelini5 Comments

Typing this in the passenger side of Attila’s van this Tuesday morning about 9am local time. Day 5 being back in USA, and day 2 of the road trip. Been piecing together this blog post over the last few days – definitely the adventure we were expecting. Blogging less as I’m doing tons of video, as well as weekly podcast …

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Wedding Recap & Pics

In family friends by Michael Michelini16 Comments

I feel like my blog has definitely spun to be more personal than business lately, but I promise to add more business like posts now that the wedding insanity is behind us. Weddings I imagine are always stressful. For me, that Saturday last weekend, was also extremely stressful. I think the main concern / worry is “what other people will …