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Brainstorming Various Shenzhen Community Events

In china business by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

Currently typing from the bus from Shenzhen Bay border to Hong Kong….spending a couple days in Hong Kong for business meetings as well as spend more time with the Boot hk coworking crew…..discussing all the developments in Shenzhen with the meetups and new szteam coworking space. Things are fitting together, in a groove….and I’m happy doing it. This is what …

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Moving Quickly With Shenzhen Coworking!

In china business by Michael Michelini6 Comments

Back to Shenzhen, and BACK TO BUSINESS! No messing around. Caught up with work in the morning / afternoon, meetups, and then Chris Gormley and I went over to check on the developments in the Shenzhen coworking. Met with Gareth and Jun, the guys who’ve been setting up the new location while I’ve been away….and they are READY to open! …

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Back in China – Work Week Plan: Shenzhen, Dongguan, Hong Kong

In business, china business by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

Sundays are always my reflection and planning days….back from a long trip in the Philippines late last week, transitioned back to “China mode” with meeting people and running between Hong Kong to Shenzhen…..quickly outlining my week and posting here for ya’ll to see: Monday – in Shenzhen, China. Its July 4th, which is a holiday in USA – independence day, …

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Delayed Departure May Have Been Worth It

In business by Michael Michelini5 Comments

Writing this from the bus in Batangas, finally able to “escape” the island of Puerto Galera. Over 2 days delayed from leaving due to typhoon missing my friend Bas’s birthday in Dau, and a few other tropical MBA attendees missing their flights tio thailand and korea….and I really hope I don’t miss my flight today to Boracay (12:20pm departure, typing …

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On the Road Again, Heading Back to the Philippines

In philippines business by Michael Michelini2 Comments

Sure, I have been traveling a lot between Hong Kong, Shenzhen, and Dongguan a lot the past six months, but I don’t really consider it traveling…as my friend Marshall put it, its basically commuting! I just can’t seem to stop working and traveling on the road,constant traveling since maybe March last year. Its addicting, and once you create a work …

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Successful 5th Meetup, Mobile Marketing

In News by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

This saturday was our 5th Shenzhen ecommerce meetup, and trying to theme each meeting, we built it around mobile and location based services. We had 3 speakers: Larry Salibra, CEO Appartisan Mobile Apps, Guangzhou – speaking on apple mobile app development market 郑伟彤 (Peter Zheng), Product Director in Kingdee, speaking on Business Model of Ryan McNamara , Marketing Director, …

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Successful Network PRD meetup, more Shenzhen Networking

In china business by Michael Michelini1 Comment

Last night Network PRD group in Shenzhen re-ignited the meetups after taking some time off (last event I see is November 27, 2010 – EUCCC 10th Anniversary Charity Event – The Kempinski. David Shomaker wanted to bring it back and asked me and 9 others to volunteer helping promote and organize a new series of monthly events. This was the …