Well, this is the last video blog I plan to do under Chinese quarantine. Its Sunday April 5, 2020 as I type this up and tomorrow at 640pm I will be allowed to check out of this makeshift hotel hospital. Coronavirus swab test, Coronavirus blood test, checked the box. Didn’t get issued any results, but guess no news is good …
What’s Mike Up To (Quarantine) April 5 – 11, 2020
What is Mike Michelini up to – April 5 – 11, 2020 * Few more days in Chinese quarantine, expected to check out on Monday April 6, at 6:40pm local time. * Completed our first factory direct group buy on Loadpipe.com last week and starting another closed beta group buy this week – more masks but also adding some other …
Celebrate 100 Episodes of China Business Cast: All Hosts Come Together
What a cool milestone, the podcast China Business Cast has reached 100 shows! I was guest number 1 when JP launched the show, and then later was the host from episode 20 to – well I lost count I think in the 70s – with co-host Shlomo. Now Jons Slemmer is hosting and a new team have carried it forward …
Quarantine Birthday – Celebrate with Me Online
You may think I am crazy – but I was really trying to time the return to China + 14 days so that I would NOT be in quarantine during my birthday. Tried to fly on March 17 – which would have BARELY gotten me out by April 2 – but the whole airport shut down suddenly. Was thinking to …
[Special Project] Making The Most Of the Quarantine
Stuck in this quarantine, your mind starts to really wander. And the constant wechat calls from my wife about masks and the Wechat groups, Facebook, Instagram, etc overloading me with mask buyers and seller requests has made me lose sleep. Sitting here in quarantine, trying to organize groups, excel spreadsheets, overloading email inbox. It has been screaming at me to …
What’s Mike Up To – March 29 – April 4, 2020 (Quarantine…)
What is Mike Michelini Up To now? March 29 – April 4, 2020 Well, I’m in Mainland China about 20 minutes drive from my wife and kids. But I am in a 14 day quarantine, so still have not seen them. Yet I’m about halfway through! This coming week will be a solid week in this hotel room. Never bored …
Coronavirus Test & Day 1 In China Quarantine
Welcome to quarantine. Really it is just being stuck in an average Chinese hotel room for 14 days. Food delivered to your door 3 times a day. But so far – no housekeeping. Trying to figure out how to wash my clothes and sheets and the floor – but will get there step by step. So since the last video …
Mentioned on Canada News About The Mask Trading & China Supply Chain
Intense amount of media lately, trying to keep up. Cameron Walker connected me to a writer for The Globe and Mail on the situation of the mask trading in China. For those who aren’t keeping up, I’ve been diving head first into the mask trading and health supplies business world due to the pandemic and supply and demand pulling me …
[Quarantine] Entering China During Coronavirus
https://youtu.be/-WeiknW0LLg Entering China During The Coronavirus What an intense week it has been – and a lot of VLOGS! Our team is working overtime with all this hyper active content. So we left off on the last video blog where I landed in Korea and checked in to some Airbnb style personal apartment Wendy booked for me on a Chinese …
Coronavirus Travel: Cebu to Korea
Flight attempt 3 – Cebu to Korea To China May need to make a highlight video blog from all these “Coronavirus vlogs” as many of you are confused where I am and what is happening. Writing this Sunday morning March 22, 2020 – from a spare room of my buddy Josh’s place in Cebu, Philippines. Since the last video, you …
What’s Mike Up To Now (Mar 22-28, 2020)
What is Mike Upto Now – March 22 – March 28, 2020 Well this may be one of the most insane weekly updates – but here it goes: * At another friend’s house in Cebu, feeling like a runaway refugee. Stuck here in Cebu still but think I can get a flight TODAY – my wife Wendy bought it and …
Ejected: Kicked Out at 6pm – No Visitors Allowed Due to Virus
Was really hoping I had a bed to sleep on for more than 1 night. But my old friend Abdulrahman was shocked on the next day, as well as me. For those following the vlog (v-log, lol) I thought I was “safe” for a few weeks. An angel – well David on Wechat, re-connected me with an old friend Abdulrahman …
Cancelled Flights & Locked Down in Cebu
I have been running away from an avalanche for a week now – lockdown in Manila, lockdown in Bohol – and in Cebu booking flight to China. Thought I would make it – literally by the skin of my teeth – with a Tuesday March 18, 2020 flight to China – with 2 connections – for 800USD. But failed. The …
Drastic Times, Drastic Measures: Mask Trading & Re-launching Sourcing business
My wife has been pushing me for weeks to do this, and I have been resisting. As always, the wife is always right. We need to change our business models and do what is most needed – for the world and for our businesses. I’m bringing back the old Shadstone Sourcing trading business – Shadstone-sourcing.com – and will be focusing …
Quoted in Wall Street Journal: Amazon not accepting inbound shipments
The crisis continues – this time hitting the Western world and distribution. Last month it was about factories being closed and not able to make the product- now it is about Western countries / USA – being able to receive and ship it. Can you believe yesterday, March 17, 2020 amazon suddenly announced it will not accept new inbound shipments …
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