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If I were born a chinese farmer

In china business by Michael Michelini12 Comments

Being in Shenzhen, China, I am exposed to a diverse community of people – rich Chinese businessman, adventurous young aspiring entrepreneurs, cheaters, beggers, and a lot of farmers! Now, it is easy to joke about a struggling Chinese farmer….they are low educated and will do almost anything to earn money to feed themselves and their families. You will see them …

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Cultural Differences Between Americans and Europeans

In china business, usa by Michael Michelini8 Comments

Being in China, I didn’t expect to be exposed to so many europeans….but from my experiences I have gotten involved with more Europeans than Americans here. Of course I am learning more and more how do to business in China as a foreigner…..but at the same time, I am getting exposure to doing business with Europeans. My involvement with DBR …

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Investing In China – everyone talking about it

In china business by Michael Michelini6 Comments

I’ve been more calls then ever before from friends and business associates back in USA. It must be all over the television more then ever – investing in china! But really, its not at all as easy as anyone can imagine….. First of all, being a foreigner, who do you trust when you get here? The government isn’t exactly welcoming …

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Hard Choices Make Us Stronger

In china business by Michael Michelini8 Comments

I try not to get my emotions mixed into things…but life is life…and I am who I am…..I guess I genuinely care about the outcomes in life for others like myself……maybe that is why I get myself in difficult situations to begin with…… But right now, I am part of DBR Shenzhen Oy and I have been back from a …

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Fixing an Air Conditioner in China

In china business by Michael Michelini5 Comments

I know I just posted…but this I couldn’t wait for….in my apartment building they are fixing an air conditioner…this guy is on the 18th or 19th floor risking his life….I see this all summer long, but this time got a good photo LOOK HOW HIGH HE IS!!

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Differences Doing Business in China and USA

In business, china business, usa by Michael Michelini7 Comments

I know, its been a while since my last post…..didn’t have much internet connection in Finland, jet lag, and backlog of work….I had to sacrifice some posts….Tomorrow I am presenting at punch party, which is a time where speakers come and only have 7 minutes to discuss their topic. The idea is to meet new people, and get lots of …

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Keeping in Touch with Family

In usa by Michael Michelini1 Comment

I hope my Uncle Bill doesn’t mind me doing this. But a couple emails back and forth now, and I almost feel guilty how out of touch I have gotten with my family back in the States…I have to try harder to keep in touch and know what is going on. Here is my Uncle Bill’s email to me a …

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Mixing Friends and Business

In business, usa by Michael Michelini9 Comments

Dating girls in my high school – that was a mistake! It was a small catholic high school (Mary Immaculate Academy) and everyone knew everything about everyone. My first “girlfriend” was in my sophomore year in high school, I was a bit of a shy guy then, and she had a big crush on me. Asking all her friends what …

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My Twitter Account Suspended – focus on facebook

In websites by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

So I have been pushing my twitter, facebook, and all other social media tools like no other over the weekend. I start to really realize connecting to friends online now is big business, and its not really friends anymore, its the new link trading and public relations. I have been saying how facebook is copying twitter, and that facebook will …

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An American Spending July 4th in China

In usa by Michael Michelini6 Comments

Spending my July 4th in China. Last year this time I was visiting USA for about a month. So this will be the first July 4th spent in China for me. Its a bit strange, as I have to remind staff and friends that its even some kind of a holiday! So I decided to write a blog about what …

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A blog – what you can and cannot say?

In websites by Michael Michelini4 Comments

Feel a bit back to corporate world. What is a person allowed to say online? In an internet company, I think it is funny to show photos of people sleeping at the office (because they are working late that night), cute toys someone has, or jokes within a company. Doing these FUN things in a company environment: That builds a …

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Door to door sales in China

In china business by Michael Michelini11 Comments

It has been a bit more strange then expected with certain sales initiative, yes each country and culture is different. I try my best to be flexible and adaptive, but selling in china has been interesting to say the least. First of all, selling in china is difficult by definition. Chinese people are “tighter” with their money (i.e. don’t spend …

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Theme of this Blog – focus or not?

In motivation, websites by Michael Michelini5 Comments

Some people tell me I should write more focused, industrial topics on this blog. But then….it won’t be my personal blog anymore! I think the theme of this site is clear, its about my pursuit through life. Lately, its been about what i’m involved with now: Motivation Business China Internet / SEO / Social Media Travels The reason people suggest …