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The Right Chinese Business Partners Help Sam Marks Sell His Company

In china business, Forbes China Show by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

This post originally was published on Forbes China in Chinese. I am publishing here the English version I made (and then had translated to Chinese) for those English readers and listeners interested. Finding the Right Chinese Business Partners Help Sam Marks Sell His Company for Over 100 Million Us Dollars Welcome everyone to episode 4 of the Forbes China Entrepreneur …

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Featured in Shenzhen Daily News: “From Wall St to the New Silicon Valley”

In china business by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

Really appreciate that I have been blessed with awesome media coverage lately. I connected with Lawrence, Luo Songsong, the reporter from Shenzhen Daily newspaper who made the awesome write up – and he was intrigued with my story and my lifestyle! We had a couple great meetups while he put together this story that, when reading it from the newsstand …

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2015 Twitter Header Dimensions

In social media, travel, Twitter Tools by Michael Michelini

The below template has been tested on multiple screen resolutions and in Twitter app using iPhone (5). Please do not add anything in the “invisible areas” or they will not show up. You may still use the “invisible on iPhone app” parts but I suggest not to put anything important in those areas.

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Get A Job in China: Work With Us in Our Tech Startup

In china business by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

Excited to announce that we have a budget to accept applications for a new product manager position at the app portfolio company where I’m a partner – Gigabud Limited. This will be role where someone will get the chance to work with a lot of technology in a cross-border international team here in Shenzhen, China. I need help with managing …

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Experiences Making a USA/China Cross Border Kickstarter Campaign – FCS03

In Forbes China Show by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

This post originally was published on Forbes China in Chinese. I am publishing here the English version I made (and then had translated to Chinese) for those English readers and listeners interested. Thanks for tuning in – 3rd show here sharing about entrepreneurs in China, focused in the Southern region of Guangdong. Today’s show is talking about a new Kickstarter …

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Shenzhen Startup Community Launches “Startup Salad”

In china business by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

My startup friends have been asking me a lot of questions about events happening, and I wrote up today’s post to answer that. I’ve been involved with the startup community here since its early days, back in 2009 I attended a first “startup event” I would consider, called “Punch Party” hosted by Guang Yao in Kingdee. That meeting I met …

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Reliving My Old Childhood as I Raise My Kid

In family friends by Michael Michelini2 Comments

Writing this up on a Sunday morning, trying to write every morning and on Sundays I want to keep it a bit lighter – as I’m normally writing about business and I don’t want to get so dry. This is also “raw” and unedited on the blog here. Being a new father has been quite the journey – really way …

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Lean Hardware in China with Cyril Ebersweiler from Haxlr8r – FCS02

In Forbes China Show by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

This show was originally posted on Forbes China (in Chinese) and I will share it to the English audience here after it is published in Chinese Forbes, my full column can be viewed here – Thanks everyone for tuning in to another Forbes China Entrepreneur show, this is our second episode and we are focusing here on the Southern …