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Birthday Letter To Mom

In family friends by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

Sent this to my mom but thought I’d keep for the records Dear mom, Hope you are doing well. I love you and hope you had a great birthday. Id love to discuss with you how things have been going here – but I know it is hard to connect with the timezone and other things. So I hope this …

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Michael Angelo

In blog by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

/Michaelangelo My middle name is Angelo. I used to be embarrassed to tell people that as in school the ninja turtles was a popular show and I didn’t want to be associated with a turtle. The reason I am called Michael Angelo is my grandmother was an artist. I never got to know her well, she passed away when I …

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Going All In (Focus)

In blog by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

Going All In Been a wild couple weeks – physically with crossing in and out of China, Hong Kong, Kuala Lumpur Malaysia, Chiang Mai, Thailand and dealing with Embassies and Visas all over the place. But on the business and emotional level – after 5 years doing Global From Asia – now putting it on “ice” as I join forces …

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3 years + 210 Vlogs – What I learned vlogging

In blog by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

So it has been about three years since I started vlogging (video blogging) – and since I am stopping now David from 80 20 Investor inspired me to write (well asked me to make this video form, but kind of burnt out haha) up a recap of my takeaways and what I learned during the process. It is a great …

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The Last Vlog

In vlog by Mike's Blog Team1 Comment

The Last Vlog It Has Been Fun but This is the Last One Mike’s Blog 210 Happy holidays, Q4 here and it is always about turkeys, fat men in red suits and year end thinking. 2018 has been a fun time and now I have to put up a hold for these vlogs. I’m joining a new “secret project” and …

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Appreciate the Days

In vlog by Mike's Blog TeamLeave a Comment

Appreciate the Days The days go by so fast, wake up and before you know the day is over. Seems like years and decades are going by so fast. Having kids is even a faster accelerator. Mike’s Blog 209 Today is more a reminder – for myself and others. We are always so focused on the things in the past …

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Quick In & Out of China

In vlog by Mike's Blog Team1 Comment

Quick In & Out of China That was fast- a few days in Shenzhen, China and then off. Mike’s blog 208 Writing on the road in Hong Kong today. Strange feeling to go to a place you lived for over ten years and feel like a visitor – but it is what it is. We had our Cross Border Matchmaker …

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Putting It Forward

In vlog by Mike's Blog Team1 Comment

Putting It Forward Doing things for others without expectations and amazing things can happen. Does it for you? Its a great experience Mike’s Blog 207 We are rocking and rolling in October with so many things happening. In this video, I am in Bangkok for dcbkk conference where I always get pushed to work harder and do more. While there, …

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Getting Local Thai Help!

In vlog by Mike's Blog TeamLeave a Comment

Getting Local Thai Help! Sometimes you just need to put your hand up. While Thailand is nowhere near as challenging as China for coordination – it is already a huge help to have a local Thai person on the team to help out. Welcome Puii (Tanya) to our team! Mike’s Blog 205 Thank you all for enjoying our “pain” lately. …

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Visa Runs / Extensions / Go Back Where You Belong?

In vlog by Mike's Blog Team1 Comment

Visa Runs / Extensions / Go Back Where You Belong? Just another migrant trying to take a month off from flying. Oh Southeast Asia, the land of visa runs every 30 days. Sure, it is fun for the jet setter – but I’m getting too old for this 😉 Mike’s blog 204 We are settling in nicely at the new …

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Why Thailand

In blog by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

Update and Summary – Why Thailand? What Is The Move? A lot of people have been catching one or two of the video blogs and not getting the full picture of what exactly happened. So – let’s recap for those who are trying to patch everything together: In about April (of this year – 2018) Wendy and I had a …

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Leveraging the Chinese Community in Thailand

In vlog by Mike's Blog TeamLeave a Comment

Leveraging the Chinese Community in Thailand Maybe there is a benefit from being surrounded by Chinese speaking people in Thailand? Mike’s blog 203 We are moving – AGAIN. Can you believe this? You’re saying – but you just moved to Thailand and are moving? Well – still in Chiang Mai, still same school for the kids – here’s the story. …

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Bouncing Back After A Big Change

In vlog by Mike's Blog Team1 Comment

Bouncing Back After A Big Change There was about a month delay -then that wall of – wow – this is really happening. Mike’s Blog 202 I have been reading more books than I ever did in school – which I am proud to say. But one problem is I am forgetting where I am learning new tactics and strategies. …

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Getting My Kids Immigration Visa To Thailand

In vlog by Mike's Blog TeamLeave a Comment

Getting My Kids Immigration Visa To Thailand Typing this up on the floor outside Thai Immigration at 6am. The things you do for your kids, and to legally stay in a country. Immigrants life is not an easy one Mike’s Blog 201 So we are now into the 200s for the video blogs here. Thanks Andy Bravo for enjoying the …