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There Is No Happiness Without Action

In motivation by Michael Michelini4 Comments

Caught this tweet (message over twitter for those who don’t know) while on the bus from Shantou to Shenzhen @rochorbeancurd – Action may not always bring happiness, but there is no happiness without action This is why i love twitter…throughout my day im getting pumped with tons of ideas, visions, motivations. Meeting new people, sharing ideas, supporting and inspiring one …

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Do You REALLY Want to Know Your Future?

In travel by Michael Michelini13 Comments

If we could know our future, our DESTINY, would we want to know? I had an interesting talk with Christal Chai at Star Prototype China last week, and meant to follow up with a post to my blog. We thought that, hey, if we could find out our destiny, what we would end up in life, and what we would …

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Getting Through Tough Times – Think Long Term

In motivation by Michael Michelini13 Comments

I recently had a QQ chat with a shenzhen friend of mine, I won’t disclose who she was as I am sure she would be upset if I did. But she was really depressed, her boyfriend and her had broken up and she also got declined for a job she had just interviewed with. She made it seem like the …

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Everyone wants to be a Billionaire – And then What?

In motivation by Michael Michelini5 Comments

So many people dream to become rich, multi millionaires. But whats the point…really…..all your problems in life will simply go away? Another annoying thing is people choose a job based on salary…..I can admit I have done that in the past, working at Deutsche bank, it was one of the highest paying offers, but then again, I didn’t want to …

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More Strikes in Chinese Factories Over Higher Wages

In china business by Michael Michelini4 Comments

Wow, what we have all been saying for years about the growth and development in China is coming true – so quickly. But what is happening is INFLATION. Prices for food, rent, and other basic things are going up so quickly. The Chinese government is still controlling their currency from rising too high to try to keep the export market …

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The Road Not Taken – Inspirational Poem

In motivation by Michael Michelini7 Comments

Sunday, as always to me, is a reflectionary day – and my mom (well my dad emailed it as my mom doesn’t like using computers, hah) and I guess she knows from my blog that I am thinking a lot about future and strategy and shares poems with me from time to time for my motivation. The road not taken, …

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Motivating My Staff – Is this Blog Confusing?

In business, motivation by Michael Michelini6 Comments

Some of the staff in Shenzhen have been getting demotivated and wondering what is the future, what is the end goal. I think that is because I have been traveling so much lately….away from the office in Shenzhen. They are wondering what is the future for them, what is going to happen. Am I too open on my blog? Does …

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Foreign Companies Getting Squeezed for Pay Increases in China

In china business by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

Back to Shenzhen for a couple days now, and just been hearing all over about foxconn factory (the one where I blogged about the chinese factory suicides) HAS DOUBLED the salaries of their workers. Here is an article I read from a Taiwanese newspaper: Commercial Times: Victims of Foxconn pay hikes 2010/06/17 13:34:56 Taiwan-based Hon Hai Group, traded as Foxconn …

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People Have to Make Their Own Mistakes in Life

In business by Michael Michelini3 Comments

In so many ways in life, i think the hardest transition for me is to “let go” and let others do something for themselves to learn. I think its because i have no patience, so i cant stand to watch someone else waste time or do something wrong that will cause issues further down the road. For example marie and …

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Some Perspective On Selling Fake Products from China

In china business by Michael Michelini10 Comments

I can remember back in High School days, maybe this is 1997 or 1998 (sophomore or junior year) and some classmates (i won’t disclose names) found a source of fake oakley sunglasses online and were buying them and sellling them on ebay, making some decent money. I remember looking at the poor quality fake product, and the O in Oakley …