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Relaunching the old New York Bar Store

In blog, business, e-commerce by Michael Michelini

One of the first e-commerce businesses I ever started (technically there was 1 or 2 that didn’t make it too far before – part of the process ha!) – New York Bar Store – we are bringing it back to life. This business is a labor of love for sure. Started in a New York City studio apartment with Andrew …

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Kicking off OffChain Social Networking Meetups in Chiang Mai

In blog, Events by Michael Michelini

I’ll be speaking about web3 domains and decentralized hosting at the second Offchain Chiang Mai, Thailand Meetup on Thursday, Sept 22, 2022 Catch you there! Just can’t help myself – need to network and connect with people – and doing that right off the bat here in Chiang Mai, Thailand. Been attending Offchain (formerly Crypto Drinks) meetups in Shenzhen a …