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Week Focus: HR and structure

In now by Michael Michelini

What Mike Michelini is up to Now – Sept 19 – 25, 2021 Listen as audio here [1.5 minutes long] (or scroll down for text) The quick list: For those who want to hear the full week plan for Shadstone Limited, Mike’s company (removing sensitive info) – here it is: Week Plan Sept 19 – 25, 2021 Shadstone Limited HR …

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Couple Days off (Week update Sept 12-18)

In now by Michael Michelini

What Mike Michelini is up to Now – Sept 12-18, 2021 Listen as audio here [2 minutes long] (or scroll down for text) FINALLY I’m taking a bit of a weekend off. Normally, I “grind” hard on mornings every single day (even Sundays like today). But Saturday (yesterday) and today I have been in Huizhou, a town about 2 hours …

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Week Plan Sept 5: I love being overwhelmed….

In now by Michael Michelini

What Mike Michelini is up to Now – September 5 – 11, 2021 Listen as audio here [2 minutes long] (or scroll down for text) Overloaded and I’m realizing, I love to be overloaded! For those who want to hear the full week plan for Shadstone Limited, Mike’s company (removing sensitive info) – here it is: Week Plan Sept 5 …

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Week Plan As Kids School Starts up

In now by Michael Michelini

What Mike Michelini is up to Now – Aug 29 – Sept 4, 2021 Listen as audio here [1.5 minutes long] (or scroll down for text) Getting into the “Flow” of being back in Shenzhen, China. Does feel like the place I am meant to be. Kids will be starting school this week and it signals the end of summer …

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Walking Into A Live Video Streaming Studio + Creating Opportunities

In blog, family friends, motivation, social media, vlog by Michael Michelini

Jumping full steam into living in Shenzhen again. And as you can imagine, there is just so much to do. My buddy James Sung at Zocus invited me to an amazing opportunity: a brand new live streaming studio office operation in Nanshan High Tech Park. They are still working out the details and pulling together resources, but over the last …

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Balancing Online & Offline (Week Plan Aug 22)

In now by Michael Michelini

What Mike Michelini is up to Now -Aug 22 – 28, 2021 Listen as audio here [only 1 minute long] (or scroll down for text) For those who want to hear the full week plan for Shadstone Limited, Mike’s company (removing sensitive info) – here it is: Week Plan Aug 22- 28, 2021 Shadstone Limited It’s the last full week …

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“Fight For Love” – A Saturday with My Son

In blog, family friends, vlog by Michael Michelini

Getting into the groove of these regular vlogs again now that I am out and about (it’s hard to do vlogs when you are isolated in an apartment). We are now back in Shenzhen and I’m trying to take this vlog camera around with me. A great time to do this was Saturday with my son. Last Saturday was Chinese …

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Back to Business in Shenzhen

In blog, business, china business, family friends, vlog by Michael Michelini

After an overnight adventure landing and settling in to Shenzhen, we settled in a bit and then hit the ground running! Today I took the vlog camera out with me to some business meetings to give you a little sneak behind the scenes on “what does Mike actually do”? Anyone who is in the know knows that Shenzhen is the …

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Re-Positioning in Shenzhen

In now by Michael Michelini

What Mike Michelini is up to Now -Aug 15 – 21, 2021 Listen as audio here [2 minutes long] (or scroll down for text) Settling back into Shenzhen (home at least until end of the year, probably longer). So many opportunities coming out. For those who want to hear the full week plan for Shadstone Limited, Mike’s company (removing sensitive …

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Join Us For the EXW Conference on Amazon FBA & E-Commerce Selling

In e-commerce, Events by Michael Michelini

I am very excited and happy to announce that I will be a speaker at the EXW Conference. The EXW Conference is an annual online conference that takes place this coming September 5, 2021. Attending the conference is an opportunity to learn from the very best brand owners, sellers, and marketers. Here, you can learn about the tools and best …

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Journey BACK to Shenzhen Living

In blog, family friends, vlog by Michael Michelini

It’s just like those mobster movies I used to watch as a kid. They always say, “Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in.” This is definitely the case for business and life in China, but it especially applies for the city of Shenzhen. After about a year and a half in Shenyang, China (a northeast …

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Settling Back In Shenzhen (August 2021 Return)

In now by Michael Michelini

What Mike Michelini is up to Now -Aug 8 – 14, 2021 Listen as audio here [2 minutes long] (or scroll down for text) We’re catching up on rest and recovering from an all-night flight / travel on Thursday night from Shenyang to Shenzhen. And, I’m realizing I AM BACK IN SHENZHEN. Jeez, thought I was “done” with China back …

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Preparing to Fly To Shenzhen, Week Plan Aug 1-8, 2021

In now by Michael Michelini

What is Mike Michelini Up To Now – Aug 1 – 7, 2021 Listen as audio here [2 minutes long] (or scroll down for text) Typing in August makes me feel like 2022 is approaching – closer to the new year! Looking forward to a new way of work and living for the rest of 2021: For those who want …