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Going to a Bar and Not Drinking – Mike’s Blog 032

In vlog by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

Like feeling awkward? Go to a bar and pass up beer, wine, and shots for the night and you’ll know what I mean. But for the past year or more I have barely been drinking. Sneaking a sparkling water or soda water instead of an alcoholic beverage. I feel much better the next morning and honestly just don’t miss it. …

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How Is Mike Studying Chinese? Mike’s Blog 031

In vlog by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

Often asked how I learn Chinese. Some people feel I have been studying forever and not making any progress. Well, my main study time is early in the morning at 7am, until at least 7:30am, or 8am, depending on when the rest of the family wakes up. While that is my main focused study time, of course I live in …

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What Does Mike Do? Mike’s Blog 030

In vlog by Michael Michelini1 Comment

I know you guys are so confused what I exactly do. There are a few things I do – and I’ll explain throughout the video while walking around the busy streets of Hong kong, and grab a dim sum lunch. HK agency work, podcasting, as well as internet marketing in Philippines with Josh (check vlog 18) and new part of …

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My Son Speaks More Chinese Than Me – Mike’s Blog 029

In vlog by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

So my son speaks more Chinese than English and way better Chinese than mine already. (I really do study 30 min a day) . This is something I am still adjusting to – living i a Chinese household, with my kids – speaking Chinese. Sure there is some English – but it is China, and it is a Chinese environment. …

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Working on More Video Blog Show Ideas

In social media by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

So people have been enjoying the video blog – cool! I’m getting less and less nervous in front of the camera, and it is coming to be more natural and more fun for me to do. I was inspired by a Gary Vee video about documenting instead of telling. Think that is what I have been doing, but the video …

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Hong Kong Hustle – Mikes’ Vlog 028

In vlog by Michael Michelini1 Comment

Hong Kong Hustle a sneak peak into some of the most hyper active days I have traveling between meetings and deals in Hong Kong. Trying to reduce the amount of borer hopping I am doing – but at the end of the day, I realize this is just part of the life I have built – and the opportunities I …

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We Took a Cross Border Business Trip – Mike’s Vlog 025

In vlog by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

Business Trip Recap: Qianhai Free Trade Zone Friday July 29 was an intense day of touring warehouses, learning workshops, and networking – from early in the morning until late at night! It was a ton of work to put this together, but the most exciting part is that people enjoyed it, learned something, and made some new business contacts. That …

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Back to the Grind in China – Mikes’ Vlog 024

In vlog by Michael Michelini1 Comment

Back to the Grind in China Back in China! been off the video blogging habit for a couple weeks so took a few clips from the days i’ve been here. Just a normal couple weeks. Also this coming friday we’ll have a business trip in Shenzhen, coming from Hong Kong or if you’re already here in Shenzhen or China – …

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June Grind Report – Grind07

In productivity by Sheryl TeLeave a Comment

Almost in mid July – but still committed to getting these grind reports online. June, as expected, was a tough one to do pomodoro sets. But I did get a few good ones in during the Philippines trip and between conferences in Prague. Here are the results: What Is Up for July Well, almost halfway through July now so a …

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How To Pin A Tweet

In social media, Twitter Tools by Michael Michelini

Curious about how to pin your most popular tweet? Have a special announcement you want to make sure all your followers on Twitter see? Read on my friend, we’re pinning you down 😉 This article explains: – How to Pin a Tweet. Before we guide you how to pin a tweet, we would like you to know why you should …