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What I Learned at DCBKK 2016 Day 2

In Events by Michael Michelini1 Comment

The second official day of the conference (and final day) was action packed again. This whole conference was really like 5 days for me – from Wednesday and Thursday meetups to Friday mastermind to Saturday and Sunday formal conference and parties – my brain is seriously overloaded. So the second day, Sunday Oct 16, 2016 had the morning sessions as …

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What I Learned at Day 1 of DCBKK 2016

In Events, motivation by Michael Michelini2 Comments

As always, I am super overloaded with amazing information and action items from the DCBKK event. Still deep in the event today on day 2 but wanted to write up what I learned yesterday at day 1. Also – HAPPY BIRTHDAY Dan Andrews working the conference on his birthday, respect! Being Vulnerable The opening session was done by Jaime Masters …

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Ripping Off The Band Aid – Mike’s Blog 051

In vlog by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

How do you deal with feedback? While I am still a bit of a sensitive person, I have been working hard on being less concerned about taking things personal. Even if the feedback you receive is really rough, it is helpful for growth. Hopefully the person giving it to you is being constructive about it. So I’m here at DCBKK …

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TRX Product Review

In Reviews by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

I’m so glad my buddy Dave Ho gifted me a TRX. When he came back to China from a USA trip he picked up an extra one for me. We were going to the gym together but didn’t always have time. So we started doing this out in the courtyard of our apartment building, each having our own. What I …

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A Mule in a Massive Baby Ball Pit – Mikes Blog 048

In vlog by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

In a massive ball pit- last Sunday was family day and I was a mule. I pushed around a lot as a daddy getting the banana boat through the balls. Pizza with other daddies and mommies – but Miles couldn’t sit still enough just wanting to go to the massive ball pit. Finally we went down after lunch to get …

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Success Is Not About Luck – Mike’s Blog 046

In vlog by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

Nick’s pet peeve – It is NOT luck. Success Is Not About Luck – Mike’s Blog 046 Saturday action packed day for – three part series day – bright and early at 9am to have a management meeting through lunch, and then a member’s mastermind round table in the afternoon, followed by an evening speech with Nick Ramil discussing …

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FollowLiker – Twitter Marketing Tool (Tutorial & Review)

In travel, Twitter Tools by Michael Michelini

With approximately 310 million monthly active users in its ranks, Twitter is a social media platform that can be very beneficial in driving traffic to your websites. Our last article was aimed at pinning a tweet, but our current article is intended to introduce you to a very handy Twitter marketing tool “FollowLiker”. It is a reliable, intuitive and multipurpose …