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Top Copywriting Tip

In blog, corporate world, vlog by Michael Michelini

“Copywriting and writing are two very different things.” This is what Ana Warren Gonzales said when asked about tips on copywriting. She also said something about Core Emotional Benefit. Watch and listen in to know what this is all about as she shares in a nutshell a top copywriting tip.

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People Check-ins For the New Year

In now by Michael Michelini

What is Michael Michelini up to now – Dec 20 – 26, 2020 * Year end “processing” and planning for new year * 1 on 1 calls with the team * Working on getting GFAVIP members into the best fit mastermind group for them. * Preparing webinar for SBO – ScaleByOutsourcing (Dec 29) * Deep in studying and creating content …

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2020 Year In Review, 2021 “Plans”

In blog, business by Michael Michelini

Time for the 2020 Year End Review and 2021 Plan. High res image of Mike and Maggie What a year it has been. Year 2020, I almost want to call the inflection point of “AC/BC” (After COVID, Before COVID). And, next year to not be 2021, but to be “1 AC”. Chatting to a friend about our meeting in Spain …

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Preparing Year End Team Meeting

In now by Michael Michelini

What is Mike Michelini Up To Now – Dec 13 – 19, 2020 * Adjusting to a non-Christmas feel in China. I don’t remember this in the past, but Christmas is essentially banned here – no decorations, no music. * I’m reviewing projects and doing team evaluations. We’ll have our year-end team call this week * There are a bunch …

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Why Rico Moved to Asia

In blog, family friends, philippines business, vlog by Michael Michelini

I caught up with my friend, Rico Ngoma, CEO of Source Find Asia, in Manila, Philippines early this year. This was before the whole COVID-mania took over most of our lives. We talked about why we moved to Asia, what made us take that leap from where we were and why we decided to stay. It was fun thinking about …

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2020 Coming to a Close, Defining my Role

In now by Michael Michelini

Quick summary: * Defining my role and the leadership to revamp the org chart so it’s more clear in 2021 * Preparing a Christmas party for the team.  I’m thinking Thursday, Dec. 17, 2020 at 6pm. * GFAVIP mastermind is member-driven; have 4 mastermind leaders to help and will collaborate more with members for the community management tasks. * SBO …

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Speaking in Quezon City

In blog, Events, vlog by Michael Michelini

I have often said that what I love to do is content creation. But behind all that is the desire to share what I have learned in cross border trade, e-commerce and life in general. Hopefully, I get to help others do some innovation in their ecommerce businesses. Here’s a clip of me speaking in an event organized by a …

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Why I like Inbound Marketing

In blog, e-commerce, vlog by Michael Michelini

A lot of e-commerce entrepreneurs rely on one channel and one marketplace for their sales. But it dawned on me when I woke up one day and got a sale that this thing is the future – inbound marketing. What is inbound marketing and why is this a thing that e-commerce entrepreneurs should learn to grow and scale their business? …

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Year End HR Upgrade

In now by Michael Michelini

What is Mike Michelini Up to – Nov 29 – Dec 5, 2020 * Preparing for the new Amazon brand to launch in Jan. 2021 – preparing all the product details, bank account, seller central account * GFAVIP Mastermind Session 1 this Tuesday Dec. 1 at 7pm – working on fostering leaders. * Scaling up more SEO and content marketing …

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China Blonde Book Review

In Reviews by Michael Michelini

Unique China insights from inner Chinese culture The book “China Blonde How a newsreader’s search for adventure led to friendship, acceptance…and peroxide pandemonium” is a first book I have read from a Western woman’s perspective. Having read many business books on China, and even writing a book on it – to read the insights and mindset a Western woman goes …

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Gloves For Bloggers In Winter

In blog by Michael Michelini

Quick update for those curious – the gloves for typing in a cold winter room have arrived. This is why most “digital nomads” choose to live in warm places, I would think. So they are essentially normal gloves with the index finger and thumb tops cut off. The image on Taobao showed them as more like covers instead of straight …

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Snowy Shenyang Thanksgiving Week

In now by Michael Michelini

What is Mike Michelini up to – Nov 22- 28, 2020? Cold and snowy! That’s how it is here now. I’m ordering special computer gloves as my fingers are too cold to type and giving me a case of “fat finger”. Here’s a bit of the work week: * Webinar on Tuesday 8pm HK time on Scale By Outsourcing. I …