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Thanksgiving – No Turkey but New Office!

In china business by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

Normally on Thanksgiving I’m chowing Turkey and watching football….this year I worked hard all day and signed a new lease for an office (pictures above) things are really moving along… to negotiate some good office prices and terms. This place needs some carpetting, but other then that its ready to go….really want to do rapid product development here, exciting to …

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Get It Done – on a budget

In china business by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

Cash flow is tighter then ever these days, but I love the pressure…..especially when its the fact that an ATM machine takes your USA ATM card and mails it back to US to “protect your account” – oh..thanks, can I borrow money from you now??!? just makes things more interesting. I love critics too, I notice how easy it is …

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China – transitioning from Export Driven to Self Sustaining Domestic Market

In china business by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

Great article below – China is going through tough times – BUT it will become less dependent on exports – and with the Chinese government last week investing INTO CHINA instead of the normal US Dollar, we’ll see RMB continue to strengthen (worse for exporting) but the Chinese people getting richer…..and spending more. What does this mean? CHINA IS GOING …

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Taking Negative Energy and Turning Positive

In motivation by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

Well, I guess what I asked for when I quit my job and started doing business on my own…..and I realize more and more its a dog eat dog world. I feel like I am constantly fighting to get my point across, and constantly have to think on my toes. I am not afraid to say I am wrong, or …

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Halloween in China

In china business by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

Halloween in china isn’t much – gotta head over to the expat areas. See one block doing a mini trick or treat. Tried explaining to some of my chinese friends what “trick or treat” is – but gave up after a while. Amazing how something that was embedded in my upbringing was never even imagined on this side of the …

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This is the week to kick some ass

In motivation by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

The endless working days upon weeks upon months upon years…and I have never felt like so many things have “clicked” together like they have over this weekend….. spyble SEO system went live, ebay UK re-instated me, electrapour production samples look awesome, gaining traction with staff and business partners…. while there are a few negatives and a lot of risks still …

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Bai Jiu & Ducks in the Road

In china business by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

Group photo in the office……….took some shots of the Chinese White Wine Baijiu to celebrate FRIDAY…..everyone seems to be getting along nicely and becoming my Chinese family!!!! Brent ran into these in the road the other day visiting the electrapour factory…hilarious….never know what you can run into driving in China.

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Happy Birthday Jocelyn!

In family friends by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

its my sister’s birthday today – October 19 – sitting here at midnight on a sunday thinking about those days w/ my sis and the fam. Being in a foreign country really makes you appreciate your friends and family back home. I can say I’m a bit homesick….and tired of fighting everyone in business….it seems all my projects and interests …

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Surrounded by people working to embetter themselves

In motivation by Michael Michelini1 Comment

I realize how important it is to surround yourself with good people…and I can say that I have that in my office in China. I get a good feeling in my gut when I see the work getting done each day. I realize how important it is to motivate others….understand what people think about, what makes them happy, and what …

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Financial Crisis & Personal Investments

In business by Michael Michelini2 Comments

as we all watch the world “collapse” I sit back and ponder. I guess I feel a bit lucky, personally, because my life savings is currently invested in my own startups rather than a stock portfolio (except my rapidly deteriorating retirement fund which I cannot touch for 40 years anyway) But we all need to sit back….should this say “why …

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How to valuate these companies???

In business by Michael Michelini2 Comments

the more i study business and finance the more i learn its all a crapshoot….but there are 3 ways to valuate a company 1) book value times a multiple —– assets minus liabilities = book value. Then you get the multiple based on market value for similar companies. 2) cash flow times a multple —– how much free cash is …