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Launched a Wechat Official Page

In china business by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

As we are “de-thawing” from the long Chinese New Year, I have been busy setting up an official Wechat account for the blog and podcast. For those not familiar, Wechat is a chat app (and more) that has taken over the Chinese internet and mobile phone by storm. Funded by the massive Chinese internet company Tencent, it seems like an …

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Guest Speaker at a Tencent Chinese New Year Party

In china business by Michael Michelini7 Comments

While many of us in the Western world are well into the new year of 2015, in China we are still finishing up the end of this lunar calendar year and Chinese New Year will be at the end of February. So just like company parties for Christmas and New Years, companies in China have their celebrations at the end …

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2014 Year in Review

In business by Michael Michelini6 Comments

I have really been slowing down on my blog here, have been putting the Hong Kong and China business posts on Global From Asia blog and podcast and also deep into my work at Social Agent which is now Unchained Apps. But I will still be posting on the blog here more for a personal journal and reflection point of …

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October Has Been a Transition Month

In business, motivation by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

October Has Been a Transition Month It is no secret getting married and having a child is a life changer. It helps you to focus your business and “tune out the noise” in your life. I love it! Waking up to a wife, son, and my Chinese father in law is the most fulfilling and motivating thing I have had. …

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A Chinese Milestone: Miles Reaches 100 Days

In family friends by Michael Michelini8 Comments

Been so appreciative to be a father and a husband. Living the mixed life of a Westerner and a “Local Chinese”, but feel a bit more local Chinese lately. As with everything I have noticed in my life, it is best to embrace than resist. My son Miles now has passed 3 months (born on May 25th) and that first …