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Solid Group of People At Ecommerce Meetup #6 – IP Law in China

In china business by Michael Michelini1 Comment

I really got cool off on all these events…getting exhausted and probably will burn out! But its basically the rapid development of SZteam, with demand for weekly startup meetings, combined with the original ecommerce monthly meetings that have been organized each month. This month’s meetup was themed around law, specifically Chinese IP protection for small businesses and ecommerce. We had …

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Results from Ecommerce Meetup #6 – IP Law in China

In News by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

Shenzhen ecommerce meetup IP law Matt kowalak This month’s meetup was themed around law, specifically Chinese IP protection for small businesses and ecommerce. We had the following 2 speakers who are experts in law, China, manufacturing, patents, copyright – all that fun stuff! Yubo Zhou, President of Unino IP Consulting (, an expert in IP industry. Yubo has been studied …

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Meetup #6 – IP Law + Chinese Legal Issues

In Events, News by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

*** Please note we have rescheduled To Aug 13 from Aug 6 due to Universiade dates **** Our next meetup with be Saturday August  13 , again in the Kingdee building of High Tech park. This event will be focused on Copyright, IP (Intellectual property) and other legal issues in the Chinese export industry for ecommerce businesses. We have 2 …

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Shenzhen is Begging for it – Wildly Successful First Shenzhen Startup Tuesday

In china business by Michael Michelini4 Comments

I truly believe marketing is listening to what people want, and giving them that. If you missed the event, here are the slides from tonight – Shenzhen Team Hosts First Shenzhen Startups Tuesday, and I’m outlining it here. Shenzhen’s 1st “Startups Tuesday” Bringing Together Shenzhen’s Startup Community!   Today’s Agenda People kept asking me what is this first meetings …

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As The US Economy Continues Its Decline….More People Look to China

In china business, usa by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

Sure, I always get some comments that I am giving up on America….but come on, didn’t we see this happening like…..I don’t know, years ago? I dont want to get political on this blog, mainly because I hate thinking about hearing political debates during holiday parties with the family. We all have different views on how a government should run …

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Motivational Poem – Enjoy Your Coffee This Morning!

In motivation by Michael Michelini4 Comments

Happy Friday, about 6pm here and I’m off my morning coffees, but I thought it would be good to get it out for USA time zone Friday mornings, get some fresh eyes on this poem my Chinese friend sent me today. Read below, I’ll add my perspective after: Enjoy your coffee this morning! A group of alumni, highly established in …

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More Meetups! Shenzhen’s First Startup Tuesday!

In china business by Michael Michelini4 Comments

Just #addicted to networking and connecting. But at least I am focusing on an industry, group, and location: Industry: tech / international ecommerce Location: China, specifically south / Shenzhen. And I’m just gonna keep plowing through. I tried to get others to organize some events, but I am low on patience and just setup a quick and informal round table …

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First Meeting for Startups in Shenzhen!

In Events by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

Been talking to more and more people that want to network with other startups in Shenzhen….there are many around, well lets DO IT! We will use the office for the place, and pick Tuesday night 7pm to get people together.   What: Startups Shenzhen Meetup For Who: People that are in startups or curious When: Tuesday, Aug 9, 7pm …

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I got a Mac Air – I finally broke down

In business by Michael Michelini12 Comments

Sorry PC friends…I have converted to a Mac….first ever in my whole life if you can believe it….well unless you count the iMini (i think its what it was called, it is a tiny clip on iPod thingie i got as a gift on wall street from a brokerage firm…..which i gave away rather quickly) I needed a new PC….my …

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Chinese Ecommerce Meetup, Chengdu Edition

In china business by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

Took notes at the weekend’s hiwto Chinese ecommerce meetup, my raw notes from the translator sitting next to me are below. Pretty interesting stuff. started with tea, networking, name card trading face mask dance, opera. =============== intro: Paul intro: made in china , brand known around the world. north china expansion more foreigners to understand this group. purpose of hiwto …

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Visit to Panda Forest, Chengdu Panda Research Base

In china business by Michael Michelini4 Comments

They told me it could not be done this weekend, but we made it happen – took a quick Saturday morning trip to the Chengdu Panda Research base. It was a bit far outside the city, taking about 1 hour by taxi each way (40 yuan fare)….not leaving too much time in the park before getting to the hiwto ecommerce …