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Week of Dec 8 – 14, 2019

In now by Michael Michelini2 Comments

Week of Dec 8 – 14, 2019 What Mike is Up To Now! Quick update: Back to Chiang Mai from a few days in Bangkok for the Affiliate World and Sellers World conferences. Creating new newsletter for investors and potential investors of Alpha Rock Capital Deciding on dates and location of the next Cross Border Summit, looking at Nov 20-22, …

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My Dad: Super Blood Donor (100 gallons)

In family friends by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

My Dad Is Amazing – Record 100 Gallon Blood Donor Since as young as I can remember, my dad has been donating blood. I remember going with him, getting a lollipop, and talking to the nurses at the various blood centers. Not sure how it got started, but he was giving blood consistently. Maybe every week or so, I would …

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See You in Bangkok? Sellers World + Affiliate World

In travel by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

See You At Affiliate World Asia and Sellers World Conference in BKK? I’m pretty pumped – the last big event of 2019 for me – and it is a 2 for 1 Affiliate World Asia (Wed/Thurs Dec 4-5), 2019 And Sellers World Conference (Friday Dec 6), 2019 Will be going as Global From Asia media partner and there to connect …

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Packing For China + Bangkok Conference (Now: Dec 1-7, 2019)

In now by Michael Michelini8 Comments

Packing, Bangkok, What Mike’s Up To Dec 1 – 7, 2019 This week ahead: Going to Affiliate World Asia and Seller’s World Conference Tuesday til Saturday in Bangkok. Packing up the house in Chiang Mai – boxes everywhere. Preparing to go to Manila after a few weeks in China to work more closely with the team at Alpha Rock Capital …

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Determining if a Website is Quality or Not

In websites by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

Determining if a Website is Quality or Not Are you helping the company get more exposure online? Outreach, finding content partners, and more is critical to the growth of a website. Why? Because content creation is not enough. You need to “hustle” and find other websites and media companies to collaborate with. It is non-stop. As the Mikes’ Blog team …

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Family Moving to China in 2020

In travel by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

Making a Move Back To China in 2020 Planning 2020 and upon arrival to Chiang Mai after the trip to Taipei and Bangkok, the wife and kids pick me up at the airport. Load up my luggage in the trunk and hop in the passenger side. Wife leans in and kisses me, says she loves me, and gets teary eyed. …

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Week Plan Nov 24-30 2019 [suddenly big changes for 2020]

In now by Michael Michelini4 Comments

What’s Mike Up To Now – Nov 24 – Nov 30, 2019 * Back in Chiang Mai – was a fast and intense few days in Taipei, Taiwan and Bangkok, feels great to be back. * Full week of NO travel – just working on the laptop. * Planning 2020, thinking very strategically. * Wife and kids going to China …

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Hosted Workshop at MOX Taiwan on Content Marketing

In business by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

Amazing time Mentoring at MOX Accelerator in Taipei Back in Thailand after an amazing few days in Taipei, Taiwan! Much colder than I expected, winter season seems fully in effect! Went up to mentor the startups at the MOX Accelerator. TR Harrington, the Co-director there and an old friend from China online marketing days invited me to share. I did …

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Forgot When Thanksgiving Is…

In family friends by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

Isn’t Thanksgiving the Third Thursday of November? One of the things about living overseas / in Asia is you forget certain holidays. Thanksgiving is one of them. That is purely a USA holiday. Christmas on the other hand has been embraced all around the world, Thanksgiving is purely for Americans to be thankful for what they have. So much that …

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The Wife Is Back [all is ok now]

In family friends by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

So the wife is back. Throwing rocks at the balcony window at 1am – felt like a school kid in love . But no, it was because she gave her house key to the teaching assistant who was helping us with the kids. (Took quite a few rocks to wake me up) But I head downstairs at 1am to open …

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Nov 17-23, Week Plan

In now by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

What is happening – Nov 17 – 23, 2019 Highlights: Wife is coming back! Tonight (Sunday) Bloomberg article (podcast!) Going to Taiwan Tuesday to Friday Going to Bangkok for a NEAT community event Friday night ARC fund – a specific fund Cross Border Summit 2020 Still Planning New Site for WP2Static (Static Sites) HR management – 2020 thinking GFA Retreat …

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Daddy Time With Kids

In family friends by Michael Michelini1 Comment

Daddy & Kids Weekend Time Having a good time with the kids while the wife is in Nepal! She says it – and it is true – when she isn’t here it forces me to spend more time with the kids. Don’t get me wrong – I love my kids – but the amount of time and attention it takes …

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Already Starting 2020 New Year Resolutions

In motivation by Michael Michelini1 Comment

Working hard here on planning for the new year. 2019 flew by – as every year. And years will FLY by. That is why we need to take the “bull by the horns” (haven’t used that one in a while) and make it happen. I have some amazing 2020 Trello Boards from Monique and I will do my best …

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Home Alone with the kids (wife in Nepal)

In family friends by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

I’m Home Alone With The Kids (My Wife Went To Nepal For a Week) Just when I was getting back and resting up in Chiang Mai, about a week later my amazing wife Wendy heads off to Nepal for her yearly meditation retreat. I support it, I believe it is great for her personal development (and she’d do it anyway). …