Thanks to everyone who made it out to the 3rd Shenzhen ecommerce / internet marketing meetup. It was a bit smaller than the 2nd, but we aimed for it to be smaller so that we can be more “intimate” Attendance was approximately 50 people, this time it was all in English (we wanted to save time from translating each presentation, …
How To Sell in the South American ecommerce market
here is the Powerpoint presented by Domenick Buonamici at the 3rd meetup, discussing the South American ecommerce market. SZ The South American eMarket
How to Create An Ecommerce Shop for Under $150usd
This was presented at the 3rd meetup in Shenzhen by Nik. Here is in English and chinese: 如何花费不到150美金建立一个电子商务网站 In next few steps you will see we can still do it and compete with the big guys 在接下来的几个步骤,你会看到我们仍然可以做到这一点和竞争的大家伙 step1: Buy a Domain if you search the internet enough you will see it costs around9-12美金. anything lower than 8美金 is a trick …
Crazy Dream -What may have kept me at my NY job!
I’ve been thinking a lot, and with my big shift from fixed office to coworking and freelancing, I think back to my time four years ago at Deutsche Bank and when I put in my notice to leave my job. My manager I guess kind of expected it, I had already filed with them (per SEC regulations) that I had …
Managing When Everyone Wants to be a Freelancer!
Seriously today’s world is changing so quickly world is flat, technology is moving at lightening speed with tablets and mobile technology replacing the need for laptops (never mind archaic desktops!), coworking is the new modern office, and everyone is a independent contractor and freelancer! I have always wondered this since my day job at Deutsche Bank…so many people were not …
Launching New Chinese Ecommerce Shop –
After months of preparation, last week we launched cash n carry Chinese shopping cart to sell the products in our fiveislands ecommerce center. It’s exciting to see it come alive…I am working mostly on helping foreigners enter the Chinese market, via this website, as well as making their own ecommerce shop and Chinese brand. In Hong Kong I have been …
Trying To Not Get Writer’s Block!!!
I’m not updating this blog as much – SORRY. Seems people are actually reading it, as I’m getting reminders that I am not posting as much, and they enjoy reading it. Put this photo from my roadtrip from Xiamen to Hong Kong last weekend….its going through one of the many road tunnels you drive through in China…and represents the endless …
Turning the Big 3-0
I always put so much pressure on birthdays….i can remember back to being a toddler, wanting the biggest and best mcDonalds birthday party out of all my friends….some birthdays in my 20s were wild nightclub, most of which was in new york city. Social media has me so in tiuch with every friend i have ever had my whole life, …
Settling in China / Asia the Next 5,10 years, or more?
I think I am getting a bit more settled on the fact / idea / reality that I will be remaining in China (or at least Asia) for the next 5 years. That is an important step for my own mind…balance, and business goals. But it took me a long time to accept. Since coming to China at the end …
Differences in Internet Marketing in China vs. America
Recently got an email from a NY times reporter doing research on the Chinese internet space…and yea, while giving free reply and probably no reply or a thank you, I thought I would share and expand on the questions I received and answered in the email. 1) What do Internet marketers need to do differently in the China market as …
Speaking About English Social Media, In China
At this years’s biggest Chinese SEO fair I just spoke about optimizing English social media channels (SNS) which I worried about, as we all know, Chinese government has been blocking these websites, so about 80% of my topic cannot be accessed by my audience, (legally)! So when I was asked to speak on this subject…..I had to take a second …
Example of Miscommunication & Culture Differences in America & China
So the roadtrip yesterday was fun….up until about 1 hour before I had to arrive at the VIP dinner for speakers and guests….We were so late, so lost, and under pressure, it took from 9:30am to 8:30pm (almost 12 hours!) to drive from Dongguan, China to Xiamen, China! Unreal…… Well, I documented it while on my mobile phone last night, …
Roadtrip – Dongguan, China to Xiamen SEO event
This will be my 3rd time at the Xiamen SEO event, in the 2010 China internet fair I spoke about helping China manufacturers export using the internet and in 2010 (SMX China sponsored) I was able to talk about keyword research, this year I’ll be blabbing about English social media (Facebook, twitter optimization), decided to take a roadtrip this year. …
Social Media – People Buying The Same, Doing The Same, Talking the Same?
I am a fan of being social, connecting with people…learning about cultures and ideas and perspectives…but what is scaring me is as people now Talk about the same news (weather, etc) Buy the same things Think the same way What is going to happen to individuality and CREATIVITY?!?!!? While social media is about being a HUMAN being and allows all …
Third Shenzhen marketing meeting
We are planning to have it on saturday April 9. Normally its on the first saturday, but because of tomb sweeping holiday, we pushed it back to the second saturday, april 9. location will again be king dee building, we want to use both the large hall and some smaller meeting rooms to balance lectures and networking seems the second …
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