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Trying to Embrace Change, not Resist Change

In motivation by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

That has been one of my biggest changes and challenges in my life….to adapt to rapidly changing environments, both physically (as in geographical locations) and business and economical changes (international currency risk, global competition)….While I still naturally resist change, I realize I cannot change the way the world is going, and instead have to embrace this dynamic, rapidly changing world …

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First Shenzhen Ecommerce Meetup

In Events by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

The Shenzhen Internet Marketing Group is organizing a meetup on Saturday afternoon, Jan 15, in the afternoon from 1pm to approx 5 or 6pm. 1) cost – its FREE. the room is given to us for free from King Dee cmpany, and speakers are doing it as volunteers. Maybe future events will have a cost, we can discuss 2) Directions, …

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Studying How to Import Products Into China

In china business by Michael Michelini31 Comments

Update This post is so popular, I made a much more detailed and specific guide on my business blog: 3 Ways to Import Products Into China Check it out! Monday morning here in factory land Dongguan, China! I went over the process of importing into China via Hong Kong this past saturday at the Sheznhen ecommerce meeting, and because so …

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Successful First Shenzhen Ecommerce Meetup

In china business, websites by Michael Michelini8 Comments

I am getting on a roll making these meetups in all the cities I am traveling. Seems to be building on itself, but I have to say, I get more interested people to meet about business when I am in China. Seems this is where the most densely populated area of people, both local Chinese and foreigners, who want to …

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Need More Stuff – George Carlin – A Minimalist

In corporate world by Michael Michelini3 Comments

Always liked George Carlin stand up…remember listening to it with my hometown friends Andrew Moran and others in grade school (yea, weird a little bit to listen to this stuff at such a young age). Listened a few times to this video “stuff” lately, while in USA (when re-uniting with Andrew, Scott, and others) as well as over here in …

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Partaking more in the couchsurfing movement, formally.

In travel by Michael Michelini11 Comments

It’s strange, to me and to my friends, that I have not earlier been involved in couchsurfing websites, making my profile more complete lately. I have been “couchsurfing” for almost as long as I have been traveling, depending on how you define it. And this is why I love twitter and blogging and social media, because you can more …