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Self Motivation, Landed in Manila

In motivation, philippines business by Michael Michelini9 Comments

Arrived in Manila late last night (no typhoon while I was flying, so I’m here safe!) just 1 hour delay. Each time I’ve been coming here (3rd time this year) I’m always maxing out the allowed “free” amount of luggage on the plane (15 kilos). I really feel like a Filipino when I’m doing this, as the lines checking in …

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Good Luck In Your Next Country

In china business by Michael Michelini3 Comments

Today is my last day in Shenzhen for a bit, in Hong Kong airport now typing this out. Recently I had an interesting quick QQ chat i had with my friend Lucy……she was talking about my move to the philippines, contained the typical chat sequence of events, the 5 W’s – who, what, when, where, why, blah blah… But during …

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When Online Friends Die or Dissappear

In family friends by Michael Michelini7 Comments

I was spending some time yesterday with Raine Liu, who is starting up her own trading company of electronics accessories and as she was helping me move some things in from 1 office to another office (awesome, she has a car!) + changing my internet and shipping some products to USA – she mentioned a story about her “online friend …

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Getting Things Done in China

In china business by Michael Michelini17 Comments

As I scramble to make things clear and smooth before I depart on Thursday, as always, a few speedbumps come my way…..I get a call today from the real estate agent who I rented this location from, and he is speaking to me in Chinese (so I try my best, but have to pass the phone off to my friend, …

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Who To Trust While I’m Outside China

In china business by Michael Michelini4 Comments

Since day 1 in china its been this issue – TRUST, I remember when I first came to visit China in 2007, I was meeting everyone I could, seeing what I thought of the place, the opportunity, the trust factor….Sure I knew it was difficult, intense, insane, THAT IS WHY I LIKE IT IN CHINA. I want a challenge. I …

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Travel Plan The Next 4 Months

In china business, travel by Michael Michelini13 Comments

Been getting tweets, phone calls, emails since I blogged I am leaving Shenzhen. I feel the love! Its not that I am leaving FOREVER – but probably won’t be here to much these next few months. Maybe back in late November. I am not sure if I have blogged it yet, but put on facebook and twitter feeds that I …

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Moving Out of Shenzhen – Next Chapter of My Life

In china business by Michael Michelini18 Comments

I was hesitating blogging this!!! But at least office-wise, I am out of Shenzhen……i will still be stopping by now and again for meetings and friends. Took a photo last night here, I had a “nong min gong” (farmer who comes to the city to make better money….the hardest working people!) help me move my office things out of the …

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Proud To Be An American

In usa by Michael Michelini2 Comments

I know sometimes on this blog I kinda pick on USA and some policies, etc – but after being in various parts of China, Asia, and Europe – I still think USA is one kick ass country. There is a great saying, not specifically about Americans, but I’ve heard it applied to all kinds of people – LOVE , HATED, …

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On The Road Again – Life on The Road

In business, travel by Michael Michelini4 Comments

Just last night subletted my apartment in Shenzhen! With furniture and all….amazing… have 2 weeks until they move in and I have to find somewhere to LIVE….. To Live……a home……….haha, I forgot the feeling of having a home!! I am going to live life on the road. I have people to support me in China, Philippines, USA, even in UK …

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Take This Quiz on Life….

In motivation by Michael Michelini4 Comments

Back in university, Richard Widdicombe my fraternity advisor gave me this poem and I have kept it near me a lot to keep remembering, its about the PEOPLE around us, in our real life, not on TV or the movies. Read below A Quiz on Life Take this quiz: 1. Name the five wealthiest people in the world. 2. Name …

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Just Passed on a Great Opportunity….

In usa by Michael Michelini6 Comments

I cannot disclose the name of the company, or the details…..but I have to get it out of my head. For a few weeks I’ve been considering an offer to become CEO of a company back in USA. My main skill to bring would be sales, marketing and streamlining business processes. But I just cannot leave what I have developed. …