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how does everything get done?

In corporate world, motivation by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

Walking around NYC a lot lately…you seen tons of work getting done…garbage pickup, sewage cleanup, traffic duty, construction…. boggles my mind that all of this works…that people come to their job, do their duty, and are happy with their paycheck every 2 weeks…. guess that is what we are all programmed to do – out of work? get a job, …

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Rate cut – time to make some bigger bets

In china business by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

Well, Fed lowered their rate today 5.25 to 4.75 – nice lil rally in the stock market….also means my money market rate is going to start moving downwards…which implies I need to start betting some more money on myself and my ventures! == Yahoo Finance Excerpt == The Fed lowered the benchmark fed funds rate to 4.75 percent after keeping …

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everyone loves photos – some to note

In motivation by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

currently on my laptop in a hotel lobby in syracuse – been trecking through upstate NY like a crazed maniac, no couch is safe! let me post some images from the past couple weeks. awesome Ruben I ate for lunch today in Syracuse – Andrew! Joe’s bar – Dapp’s – albany, ny – Pizza time! Magoo climbing his first cell …

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lost my last entry – redo!

In usa by Michael Michelini2 Comments

wrote my last entry from my cell phone saturday morning…unfortunately didn’t work. since last posting spent some time at magoo’s house – sheetrocking cementing nail pulling out of old boards – firewood – most of this was all him – but i did aid in emotional value support…. looking into trademarking , patenting, and other fun professional stuff just hustling …

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strange things….oh those strange things

In usa by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

funny reading this email I received and thinking about how much life has drastically changes in the past 6 months…alas – here’s a very interesting forward that contains many cocktail party conversation starters.. —–In the 1400’s a law was set forth that a man was not allowed to beat his wife with a stick no thicker than his thumb. Hence …

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good to be back in Connecticut

In family friends, usa by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

so the past days I’ve been living out of my luggage….interesting part is that my last few days in San Diego involved many comings and goings of friends on the east and west coast! most likely the labor day weekend, some girlfriend/boyfriend breakups, and simply the end of summer vacations caused the unexpected spurt of visitations at Piotr’s. after surviving …

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lots of seminars….lots of coffee

In usa by Michael Michelini2 Comments

lots and lots of coffee – the past week and change I’ve been attending all kinds of seminars on international business….legal stuff…..import and export….counseling….its just insane…but I’m trying to take in as much as I can…feel like this isn’t school, this is learning how to make it in the international business arena.

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Credit Market Mania affecting my businesses

In china business, usa by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

hmmm… So I’m thinking about a company actually coming up w/ the money for these large deal I’m brokering…..obviously the credit markets is out of control…but I didn’t put two and two together until our today. But these transactions, if financed, are asset backed on inventory goods, so that has to be a safer loan than others, and hopefully these …

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my current life according to Andrew Moran

In motivation by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

Yes…so in our daily email web back and forth – he reacted to my next few month’s itinerary as: “ Andrew Moran to me show details 8:06 pm (3½ hours ago) you are a wise and noble traveler. your like an alcoholic Kane roaming the earth in search of debachery, profit and kicking magoo’s ass. The nobelest of callings… HEY …

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the rapid development of

In china business by Michael Michelini1 Comment

this past week has developed like crazy…. between my quotes from IT development – finding and agreeing on a front end UI / graphic design – and firming up specs, uses, scope, and competitive analysis… just need to decide when I stop holding back from debuting it and marketing it and selling it….

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never stop trying new things, and renewing old

In motivation by Michael Michelini2 Comments

so this weekend was a rather relaxing weekend, local weekend beach bum, bbq, and movie night! I drove standard / stick shift last night – haven’t done that since summer 2003 (re: usa roadtrip w/ Scott) and I picked it up rather quickly…..guess its like a bike, once you learn you don’t really forget. First attempt at surfing! – so …

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networking….networking…and more networking

In usa by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

you’ve heard it all your life, and its soo true….and the value is not just having a network, but having a network that is aware of what you’re doing, and that would recommend you to someone they know… I feel like i’ve been jumping from vine to vine lately – like tarzan of the jungle in the networking world…meet one …