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Social Media Marketing Tools Every Blogger Should Have

In social media, travel by Michael Michelini

Have you ever dreamed of an era where internet marketing was a lot easier than it is today? The tools available to assist the internet marketers can go a long way in reducing their workload and helping them get rid of the tons of repetitive and monotonous tasks that would irk them every now and then, when done manually.

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Grind Report October 2016 – Grind10

In productivity by Sheryl TeLeave a Comment

We are in November everyone! I think this is when we all feel that the year is ending. And October was a wild month – which means I was outside “hustling” instead of inside “grinding”. Here are the results: Prediction For November’s Grind What is in store for this month? Well, nowhere near as many networking activities, just a Global …

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Already Thinking About 2017

In business by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

Let’s rock this. Halloween is over. I remember a joke I saw on Instagram, when the clock strikes midnight on Halloween, the pumpkins go away and the Christmas carols turn on in the department stores! Lol! Well, I am even more ahead of them – skipping the Christmas mindset and heading straight into new years. Are you ready? I remember …

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With Few Clicks Get Your Tweets on Google Search

In travel, Twitter Tools by Michael Michelini

Have you ever thought that you could have your tweets appear on Google’s Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs)? Do you think that this could be of any advantage to you? Is it worth all the hassle in the world? Well folks, here’s a fun fact for you: Google, the biggest search engine on the world wide web, has commenced indexing …

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November 2016 is Going to Rock – Execute Time

In motivation by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

I have been expressing in this personal blog (journal) a few times in October- it was one of the more intense months of my life! Lots of events, moving around, as well as overall business changes. Typing this out on Halloween morning from my kitchen table at home – and preparing as much as possible for a “heads down” November. …

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Crush Your Twitter Competition with 10 Simple Methods

In travel, Twitter Tools by Michael Michelini

Have you ever thought of being in possession of some magical Twitter marketing approaches in your armory that can help you take a vital edge from your opponents? Most of the businesses and entrepreneurs are basically focused on constructing a healthy follower base on Twitter. However, the number of those companies dwindles significantly who are familiar with the opportunity that …