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Week Plan May 17 – 23, 2020

In now by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

What Mike is Up to Now – May 17-23, 2020 This NOW page has helped me quite a bit as friends ask me where I am and what is happening now with all the changes they see in my social media. Hope people remember to simply go to to see the latest, updated each Sunday (where I do my …

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Becoming a Homeschooling Teacher

In blog, family friends, vlog by editor11Leave a Comment

Guess it was inevitable to be in China and become a teacher. But this is different, Doing this for my kids. With schools shut down now until at least the fall here in China (they just announced in early May 2020 that schools will be further delayed from opening until the Fall) – I have to finally take matters in …

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Week Plan May 10-16, 2020

In now by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

What Mike is Up To May 10 to 16, 2020 Searching for apartments in Shenyang, China (check the latest video blog). Seems we found one and will be moving out of the in-laws to an apartment next door (in the same “garden) this Friday May 15. The “grind” and flow of Loadpipe weekly group buys. It is good to have …

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Time for the World To Wake Up

In blog, Books, motivation, Reviews by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

Here’s my review of Laurence’s book, who we we’re lucky to have on the Global From Asia podcast. (listen here) The book title is “A Time For Shambhala” but another name could be “A Time For the World to Wake up”. No, not for politicians and leaders to wake up – but for the “average” human being. The book inspired …

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Finding New Routine (What Mike’s Upto May 3-9 ,2020

In now by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

What Mike Is Up To Now – May 3 – 9, 2020 * Getting into a routine, although really just stuck at the in-laws and working online (sorry for delay of next video blog, really just would be me sitting in my aunt in law’s working online!) * Preparing group buy number 6 for Loadpipe, getting into a rhythm and …

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Speaking at the East x West Online Seller Conference

In blog, business, e-commerce, Events by editor11Leave a Comment

East x West, Asia’s Premier Online Conference for Amazon Sellers will be holding its regular gathering of Amazon product owners, sellers and marketers on April 25, 2020. The entire conference will be done virtually by streaming all the live sessions direct to your device. You will have the opportunity to ask speakers questions live as well as participate during the …

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Speaking at Work From Home Initiative Online Forum

In blog, business, e-commerce, Events by editor11Leave a Comment

The Free Online Forum last April 20, 2020, hosted by Work From Home Initiative was a very informative and productive one. We discussed the topic, Post-Pandemic: Defining and Preparing for the New Normal. Really learned a lot from this forum. Here are some grabs: Work From Home Initiative will be hosting a Free Online Forum with the topic, Post-Pandemic: Defining …

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Week Plan April 19-25, 2020 Mike Michelini

In now by Michael Michelini2 Comments

What Mike Michelini is up to now – April 19 – 25, 2020 Just the bullets: * Considering (well not sure if I have a choice) to stay in Shenyang, China for the rest of the year. All this uncertainty making me worry how I can work well, for myself – but more about my kids / family. Living in …

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Back on The Move – Visiting a Hazmat Suit Factory in Wife’s Hometown

In blog, business, china business, e-commerce, vlog by editor11Leave a Comment

Less than a week from being released from quarantine, and back on the move. But to be honest, not able to leave the province (like a US state) so easily due to the quarantine process and health check in each province. So we are sticking to finding and visiting factories in the “neighborhood”. We’re lucky to have Wendy’s network and …

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Out of Quarantine, Full Week Plan April 12-18, 2020

In now by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

What Is Mike Michelini Upto Now – April 12 – 18, 2020 Greetings from Shenyang, China – it is still cold here (15% C) and warmer outside than inside (because no heating turned on in the buildings). This coming week will be my first full week out of Quarantine , last Monday night I was released, and it took quite …