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Lots of Energy, Ending Day 2 of Shenzhen Startup weekend #swsz

In china business by Michael Michelini2 Comments

An intense, but inspiring weekend here in Shenzhen! Its our first “official startup weekend” (we have the brand behind us now) but still did have a quick and dirty BootUP! weekend a couple months ago. This startupweekend, after taking what we learned from the first Shenzhen BootUP! as well as a big marketing and organizer’s push for this startup weekend …

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Great Time with John Biggs from Techcrunch in Shenzhen!

In china business by Michael Michelini3 Comments

So many events these past couple weeks, as well as the weeks ahead, but last night (Friday) was a relaxed and effective meetup for the Shenzhen startup and hardware community to meet John Biggs, a gadget editor on techcrunch and share their products and startup ideas. I had gone to the wednesday Hong Kong meetup as well, with Rafael as …

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Scrambling, I mean planning for next weekend’s Official Shenzhen Startup Weekend

In china business by Michael Michelini1 Comment

Maybe I won’t use the word “scrambling” when I post the news about next weekend’s first official Shenzhen startup weekend blog or websites…but here on my “personal blog” I’m gonna keep it real! I’m truly overextended with all these meetups….but its really picking up steam, went to startup saturdays in Hong Kong, been networking with others from Shenzhen who are …

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Keep on Rockin! Techcrunch in Shenzhen – Friday November 4! w/ @johnbiggs

In china business by Michael Michelini2 Comments

Seriously on a roll lately with networking and community building! Wish I could make it to Techcrunch’s Disrupt Beijing! conference this week, but luckily one of their editors, John Biggs, will be in Shenzhen visiting for a few days and planned a quick, informal meetup for this coming Friday, November 4th: John Biggs Today, 8:48 AM Saturday Thanks to Michael …

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Week Plan – Connect, Innovate, Build Teams, Startups

In china business by Michael Michelini3 Comments

This past Saturday’s startups HK saturday inspired me even more…meeting more innovators, more investors, more mentors. TO SUCCEED To not lose sight in what I love to do….international business, cross border connecting. Enabling people. This Startup Tuesday in SZteam we’ll have Cyril Ebersweiler Venture Partner @ SOSventures Int. and Founder of China accelerator speak on incubators and seed stage investments. …

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Startup Tuesday Discussing USA coworking + Startup communities

In china business, usa by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

Had been back in Shenzhen only a few days, but needed to come up with a presentation for Startup Tuesday. What better than to review the USA coworking and startup groups I met while on my travels! (slides here) Trip To America! USA coworking spots Startups Shenzhen …. Bringing Together Shenzhen’s Startup Community! Today’s Agenda Intro – Round the room, …

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Reflections + Summary of 3 Weeks in USA

In china business, usa by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

Traveling to a different American city every 2-3 days over a 3 week span is extremely exhausting…but it was again eye opening and ever expanding in my “life calling and purpose”. I now more then ever feel I belong in China. I want to bridge Chinese and American internet and ecommerce…its such a challenge…and I love challenges! Here are some …

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Remembering Why I Became An Entrepreneur, Thanks Greg!

In business by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

While I wish I could visit and see all my friends in America …this country is massive and as time passes friends and family move to different parts …..hometown friends, college friends, coworkers from NY, family moving to florida, roommates in California…. One of my entrepreneur friends I have always looked up to, Greg Schwartz, unfortunately I wasn’t able to …