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Latest with Social Agent

In business by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

Its been a while since I have updated everyone here about Social Agent. Its been a bit over a year since the startup merged with Unchained Apps and time we give everyone an update. Released a Totally New App! We went back to basics and the core of what we were trying to solve. That is – making introductions to …

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Top Twitter Trends in 2016

In travel, Twitter Tools by Michael Michelini

These are following Top Twitter Trends in 2016. 1 – Eye Catching Design Going on Facebook trends, twitter has recently introduced Likes and Moments. Now the users of twitter will be happier as they change is catering mainstream language.

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Sunday Morning Ramblings

In travel by Michael Michelini1 Comment

Decided to publish this, have a bit of creative writer’s block in my morning writing session so rambled a bit, I don’t feel bad if you skip this post Sunday morning reflections. Each day that goes by, I am closer to dying. Need to make each day count. Need to also realize that my body is just a container for …

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Amazing Time at DCBKK 2015

In business by Michael Michelini8 Comments

Typing this one up from “inside the machine” at DCBKK 2015 in Bangkok, Thailand. Been trying to keep up my morning routine and write every morning, which is a real extreme challenge here as this conference is action packed from 7am to midnight! Just fortunate to have found this community and been able to stick with it for the years. …

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Arrived in USA

In usa by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

Back in good old USA safe and sound. Arrived Friday morning local San Francisco time. So blessed to have arrived here safely and smoothly. Landed 9:45am local time, about 45 minutes late due to not leaving Hong Kong on time. Was told it was due to air traffic control delaying planes from leaving the runway. Have to admit, I have …

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Topsy – Great Tool for Twitter Search

In travel, Twitter Tools by Michael Michelini

Topsy is a realtime search engine analytical power tool. Unlike other orthodox  web search engines, Topsy indexes and ranks search results based upon the most influential conversations millions of people are having every day about each specific term, topic, page or domain queried.

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Sunday Morning Late August Reflections

In motivation by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

I’ve been journaling and not sharing it online. A lot lately. Today’s I wrote and didn’t expect to share it, but about halfway through I thought this might be a good read for someone. Week Plan It is the last week of August? Or at least the last full one. Things will start to cool down. Summer is over. The …

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Win Free Tickets To Shanghai, China Scrum Alliance 2015!

In Events by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

Win Free Tickets – My friend and Advisor Steve Forte is coming to Shanghai Sept to be a Keynote Speaker at the Scrum Alliance Gathering. Really wish I could attend myself but I’ll be traveling in USA. So, How to win? Read on, my friend! Event details can be found here Official Event Website is globalscrumgathering .hk (not online anymore) …