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I Hate Selling To My Friends – Mike’s Blog 092

In vlog by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

As the Cross Border Summit event is fast approaching (actually post-editing it was last Friday!) I’m getting super busy – and of course many people are just hearing about it for the first time. I am a creator, more than a sales person. Many of my friends have identified my strength as a marketer – someone who can build awareness …

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Happy Easter From China, Mike’s blog 091

In vlog by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

Celebrating Easter Sunday in China It is hard to be religious while living in China. Especially living in a Chinese household (father in law, wife, kids mostly localized) – but I do try to recognize the holidays I grew up celebrating. So there is a Easter Sunday celebration at the Abnet community -which is a weekly business networking lunch community …

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Keeping Energy Levels High – Mike’s Blog 090

In vlog by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

How do you stay energized throughout the day? Today’s video blog I was so tired to even record it – but then it sparked the idea to go around and ask people how they keep high energy levels consistently throughout the day. Coffee? Sleep? Mindset? Supplements? Natural? Music? Seemed a wide range of ideas and concepts. Also I was able …

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Dealing Under Pressure, Mike’s Blog 088

In vlog by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

Pushing The Limits How do you feel about getting outside of your comfort zone? I don’t know if anyone likes it – but I can tell you – the times I have is the time I have seen growth in my life and my business. I’m going through it right now actually. We have our biggest event to date coming …

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How Will People Remember You When You’re Dead?

In vlog by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

Today’s video blog originally started about my being on a panel about personal branding, but somehow turned into how people will remember you when you’re dead. I guess there actually is a connection between the 2. A brand is something that people say about you (or your company, or your product) when you’re not in the room. At your funeral, …

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Dealing With Multiple Languages – Mike’s Blog 085

In vlog by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

How do you deal with multiple cultures and languages? For years, I have seen things in my life constantly get lost in translation. It is the challenge but also the opportunity. Living in Asia, bouncing around between Hong Kong, China, and some parts of South East Asia I often lose my mind. Because you are switching your thought process, your …

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Tips for Finding Editors on Your Writing

In business by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

Finding Editors For Your Articles This is a question I received from Ricky in Shenzhen – how do you find quality English language editors? So, to be clear, a ton of what I write I don’t edit as much as I should. To me, I am writing these blogs to help people and if I put up more costs and …

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Sunday Morning Hustle

In business, motivation by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

It is Sunday morning. 7:30am and I am grinding. Some people like working at night – I enjoy working in the morning. Its much harder to get out of bed (wake up early) than to stay out of bed (go to sleep late) and you have much more discipline that way. Because if you work late – then how do …

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This Blog Just Turned 10 Years Old!

In business by Michael Michelini2 Comments

Amazing how fast time goes – I remember fumbling around with Blogger platform early in 2007 trying to figure out how to blog. I had build websites and was selling on my own e-commerce shops – but blogging, as a person – was still new for me. I was so shy to put my real name online. So shy that …

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Tools I Use For Marketing A Blog

In business by Michael Michelini1 Comment

So my friend Ted made me blush when he asked me for my tips and recommendations on marketing a blog. Instead of just answering him in Facebook messenger, I’m going to make a blog post out of it. Its About Your Reader, Not You This one I admit I have problems with on this blog. You should talk to your …