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Barcelona + More Inspiration at Dynamite Circle – Mike’s Vlog 020

In business, motivation, vlog by Michael Michelini2 Comments

This Dynamite Circle group of digital nomads (“location independent entrepreneurs”) always motivate me to make moves and push myself harder and in business. Inspired me to start a podcast Global From Asia which is my main gig now, thanks guys. Haven’t been to Europe for years, so what better reason than to come to this amazing event! What I learned …

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Tips To Increase Social Media Presence

In social media, travel by Michael Michelini

A social media presence is very important for you as either a public figure or an online business owner. There is no denying the fact that businesses do have an online presence but with the time and trends changing, its necessary to know what the latest trends are to increase your social media presence. We have gathered some useful tips …

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Family + Business – Mikes Vlog017

In vlog by Michael Michelini2 Comments

Been off the video blog wagon a couple months now – starting things off again chatting about family life and business life – the ever changing balance for me and many others I know. How do you handle work and personal life matters? those here know I do things as 1! Also came down the Cebu, Philippines to do some …

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Grind Report for May! Grind06

In productivity by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

Exciting times. I am now on the sixth report for grinding. May has been a heck of a lot of work, a big challenge for me – but seems that there is a lot of interesting developments from this month of grind. Let’s jump into it. May’s Results Here are the results. Much higher than April. This was predicted – …

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Heading to DCBCN (Barcelona) Later this Month

In travel by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

Time is flying, I am heading to Barcelona for DCBCN. Felt like it was just January when I booked this! I’m pumped! I’m going to Europe after so many years. And to hang out with a bunch of my friends from Dynamite Circle. What’s DCBCN What is this event? Its the Dynamite Circle Barcelona event. It has been going for …

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Heading to Cebu, Philippines June 7- 10

In business by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

Its been close to a year since I was down in the Philippines. As I mentioned then, I am a partner in a SEO office in Cebu. Things have been busier than ever, and my partner, the CEO, Josh has pulled it off and we need to take things to the next level. I wish I could take my family …

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My Wife Wendy is Officially My Business Partner!

In china business by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

I’m excited to start to tell the world – my wife Wendy is now formally my business partner here in Shadstone and Global From Asia. Well, technically maybe she always was – so supportive and helpful, but over the past month or so it is more formal. Wendy Has a Ton of Experience in Events and Chinese Marketing I’ve tried …