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Common Question – What Products To Sell Online?

In websites by Michael Michelini2 Comments

I love hearing people who want to have an online business. I have been answering questions on all experts for years now about ecommerce and online businesses. It gives me perspective hearing about other people’s questions, problems, and confusions….and makes me realize I’m not alone when it comes to the massive and confusing jungle of the online world! Finding the …

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FINALLY Social Media formally in Google Search!

In social media by Michael Michelini1 Comment

Today Google announced something BIG for all those social media people out there…..we have been blessed today! Us social media guys, who have been kinda joked as social media just “playing games” and not really making money by our pure-play SEO link guys……welll…. WELL – now those tweets and blogs will feed into GOOGLE social search. So….like Monamie commented on …

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Will Facebook Soon Replace Our USA Social Security Numbers?

In social media by Michael Michelini5 Comments

Just read the other day I read an article – Facebook will now be embedded into mobile phone SIM cards, the company Gemalto, says it has embedded the software application into the SIM. This ensures the Facebook application is compatible with 100% of SIM-compliant mobile phones. Amazing right… will not even need a mobile app, smart phone, or even data …

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Many Changes Coming for Internet Marketing

In News by Michael Michelini1 Comment

I remember first hearing about google in the year 2000, how everyone said it was so amazing and quick and relevant…we were tired of altavista and ask jeeves or other search engines that had to search again and again, going through pages and pages of crap to get to the answer or site we were looking for. So people just …

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test video from my tablet

In family friends by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

testing video recording from my tablet and uploading directly to my wordpress blog… is blowing my mind right now seems error…wordpress says i need to upload to…. my friend said i should use tumblr instead

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Quick Motivational Email From My Dad

In motivation by Michael Michelini4 Comments

I guess I am already “successful” depending on how you define it, we all are if we accept the person we are, and utilize our strengths and offset our weaknesses with good people. But why is there this constant internal pressure to “prove ourselves” to our family and to the world? I have been so much busier then in my …

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China Is Open Again – End of Chinese New Years

In china business by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

Woke up bright and early Thursday morning (6:30am) to head from Hong Kong over to Dong Guan, China to the Five Islands ecommerce center. I don’t mean to be an ignorant foreigner in China….but this holiday is annoying to me…..its just so long…………..I am a workaholic…..I am an “entrepreneur”…..and one half of my business is closed down, while the buy …

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Welcome back from Chinese New Year! Our Ushi group

In News by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

We hope everyone had a great Chinese New Year holiday.  CC Lo has been working hard promoting our next event on and here are some of those attending! 常晓宇PCH quality director Eldon QI Federal Capital Management Inc. Investment Manager 李杨宽 深圳市明佳精密模型有限公司 市场营销策划 SZ LOFT 文化产品进出口行业协会 新媒体专业委员会 Jerry Bao Vice President, Sales & Marketing Department Manager 戴杰 (Jack Day) 资深国际投资银行家与金融理财专家 …

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So Much Networking In Hong Kong – Startup meetings

In hong kong business by Michael Michelini4 Comments

Sorry I’m behind on my blogging….just exhausting between the moving in to Hong Kong, the Chinese New Years holiday, and the hyperactive networking I’ve been doing in Hong Kong… friend Cat warned me yesterday to be careful in Hong Kong….you can spend all your time networking and have to prioritize. But tonight, as much as I wanted to go to …

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Happy Chinese New Year – Year of the Rabbit

In china business by Michael Michelini4 Comments

My 4th Chinese New Years while in Asia, and my first one while in Hong Kong. I am excited for the upcoming year…..the year of the Rabbit in the Chinese calendar. Its a lucky year, I don’t know what it is, but in Western and Asian culture they see rabbits as lucky. The are small, fast, cute little buggers, right? …

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Find Us On Facebook!

In News by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

Yes….everyone has facebook….and we at the Shenzhen internet marketing group have also made our facebook page – feel free to become a member here and get updates and discussions there shenzhen internet marketing group –>