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Invest Like a Boss Meetup Field Notes

In blog by Michael Michelini4 Comments

Invest Like a boss Podcast put together something much more than a meetup – I’d say a mini-conference. 5 amazing speakers came and shared in Chiang Mai, Thailand on Thursday night Jan 3, 2019 about investing stories and strategies.

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Buy Then Build: Book Review

In blog, Books, Reviews by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

Buy Then Build – Book Review As I prepare to go to the Invest Like a Boss podcast meetup here in Chiang Mai on Jan 3 – I felt I should catch up on some reading about investing and this one was a new one with amazing reviews so I couldn’t help myself. Buy Then Build is a book about …

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Best Social Media Management Tools of the Year

In social media, travel by Michael Michelini

If you are a frequent internet user, then it is inevitable that you are almost invariably going to end up building a few social media accounts. That simply is a testimony of the meteoric rise of social networking platforms across the globe. Everyone has a social media profile whether it is an organization, a professional or a hobbyist. As a …

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Best Instagram Tools to Monetize Your Account

In social media, travel by Michael Michelini

Expand your outreach thanks to these awesome tools The internet can seem like a humongous universe where one realizes that their success banks on ensuring through presence online on interactive social media platforms. Such a place can freak out internet marketers rather easily as they begin to feel like a speck in such a huge landscape. If you are getting …

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Happy New Year – Entering 2019

In blog, family friends by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

I was just reading something in an old journal from the “2000s” – which doesn’t feel like that long ago. Now we are entering the last year of the “2010s” and soon will enter the “2020s”. For me, the biggest reminder of a new year is how fast we are moving in life. And how life doesn’t wait for us. …

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Merry Christmas from Thailand in 2018!

In blog, family friends by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

Just a quick Merry Christmas update from Chiang Mai, Thailand. Evening here (morning in USA) hope to do a call with my parents – video via Wechat pretty amazing when you think about it – you can do a free vide call to the other side of the planet. Last night – Christmas Eve – we went to a nearby …

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Thinking in 5 Year Blocks

In blog, business by Michael Michelini2 Comments

So I’m a fan of Derek Sivers (need to learn more from him) and one thing that still sticks with me is to think of your life as a series of 5 year blocks. Because so many of us are creative and hyperactive beings that we want to take over the world (right?). Yet, we had this track, this plan …

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Year End Review 2018

In blog by Michael Michelini4 Comments

Year In Review 2018 and Plan for 2019 Well, just under two weeks left for he year 2018 – time flies when you are having fun. Or when you have kids! These kiddies just grow up so fast it is really true what they say! So I enjoy recapping what happened this year and planning the year ahead. What was …

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Selling Things To Simplify & Focus

In business by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

Selling off various assets I have During this massive focus process I am going through and the merger with the incubator and Global From Asia – I am in the process of focusing (as discussed in a previous blog). So I will be working on finding correct suitors for various projects I have been building up (and still do have …