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pics from the weekend – tequila party – beach bums

In motivation by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

first weekend here in san diego – random camera phone pics i took – mostly around the beaches – ocean beach, mission beach / pacific beach….. didn’t get too much work done though – did do a decent amount of reading on google adwords, tweaking that up, as well as the financials….budgeting, and setting up the “home office” Piotr (peter) …

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Things are coming together….

In motivation by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

tomorrow will mark 1 week since landing here in sunny san diego….was a bit rough getting settled in, but my confidence that this is all gonna work has gone through the roof. Working out a budget, looking at the sites / ventures going in the right direction….living conditions doable – not much getting in the way…. here’s a pic last …

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chillin in OB

In usa by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

spent the day doing more research and design got google adwords running. took some customer calls at the coffee shop u know normal day in san diego

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more fish tacos tonight!

In usa by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

man, I can’t get enough of em haha – after a long afternoon of VOIP call routing, talking to accountants, following up on a lead or two, met up with some San Dieogians and chowed on some fish tacos. Was thinking of hitting up the “House of Blues” to see my lady Britney Spears, but alas, had nobody to go …

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first day in cali – checklist

In usa by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

woke up on the couch about 5:30am local time, adjusting to time change…. Piotr drove me to the rent-a-car place before he went to work…..his hookup got me a car, 7 days, for 192 after insurance and taxes. next on the list – coffee/breakfastsee accountant, at 9:30am haircut follow up with a lot of calls – this VOIP setup gig …

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wow I have a lotta stuff!

In motivation by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

Looking over my pile of luggage…amazing how much stuff accumulates . memories of a lot of good times here in the city – realizing just how much I’ve been through, experiences – but enough of that…I gotta get packing – throwing out soo much stuff right now …….

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Yesterday was the last day

In corporate world, motivation by Michael Michelini1 Comment

Man, can’t believe its over – I had better never, ever go back to working for the man……gonna miss the crew at deutsche bank – good people….good times last night was the last hurah! hit up klarney rose irish pub – upon entering order a yard stick of stella….ended up chugging that one, maybe one or two more, enticed to …

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i can feel it getting closer!

In motivation by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

its getting closer and closer – hey no turning back, not like i would anyway – but the past couple of days i’m starting to realize the implications of what i’m doing… no more paycheck automatically posting to my checking account every 2 weeks – yea that one is gonna be the hardest hit……… but at the same time, no …