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How Is Working Online?

In blog, vlog by Michael Michelini

I had a nice chat with our Video Editor, Alvin Canada during our retreat last year in March just before all the craziness of Covid. I’ve worked with Alvin for many years now and he has done amazing work. One of the questions I asked him was, how is it working online? Hear it from Alvin himself as he shares …

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Grinding Into 2021, Come Out 10x

In now by Michael Michelini

What is Mike Michelini up to now – Jan 17 – 23, 2021 Honestly, I’m just so overwhelmed with work. I thought these lockdowns would slow things down but for the past year, it is busier than ever. All the “offline” is being replaced with tons of online meetings, calls, and work. COVID tests seem to be over/slowing down where …

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On BBC (1 year COVID anniversary)

In blog by Michael Michelini

Can you believe it has been a year since the COVID outbreak? And now we are locked down again here in China. For those who remember I was on BBC radio while separated from my family – well they invited me back for an update – here’s the audio clip: You can read and listen to the clip on BBC …

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COVID Tests Twice a Week Experiences

In china business by Michael Michelini

Third Covid Test in 12 Days (welcome to 2021!) While I have already done a video blog about this, that was only on the first trip. Having been through this three times now in less than 2 weeks, and my fifth COVID test since March 2020, I figurer I would share the experience (as well as just get it out …

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Speaking in Baguio

In blog, philippines business, vlog by Michael Michelini

Last year in February, before all the craziness of COVID-19 hit, I had the chance to go up to the Summer Capital of the Philippines, Baguio City. It was a 6-hour bus ride from Manila. And, if you’re wondering what got into me to take that long trip, I was invited to speak before e-commerce entrepreneurs there. The workshop was …

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Balancing Free and Paid, Management vs Micro Management

In now by Michael Michelini

What is Mike Michelini Up To Now – Jan 10 – 16, 2021 * Preparing for third COVID test of 2021 (and fifth total) * Transitioning the Shadstone team to have proper management team and corporate structure (I gotta stop being the bottleneck and micromanager) * Overwhelmed with launching new Amazon brand (15 SKUs now and 15 in a few …

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New Year, New Covid Test

In blog, family friends, vlog by Michael Michelini

Welcome 2021! We are all adjusting to the new normal and here in Shenyang, China there is a new outbreak of COVID, some new strain. I’ll be honest, I am not following the news. But all I know is, New Year’s morning, we woke up to mandatory COVID swab tests in a vocational school turned COVID testing center. A bit …

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2021: Quality over Quantity

In now by Michael Michelini

What is Mike Michelini up to – Jan 3 – 9, 2021 Gotta make sure to put the “1” in 2021. Many have said “good riddance” 2020. But I do feel 2021 will still be more lockdowns and virus and vaccine debates and implementation. Will adjust accordingly. Online work and ecommerce is what we do anyway. The few things we’re …

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Company Retreat

In blog, travel, vlog by Michael Michelini

March 2020 was crazy! I went to Bohol in the Philippines to meet my team. The plan was to do a strategic planning and team building or retreat. I just want to get to know the team better. Then, it happened. Lockdown. We were having fun one day then scrambled to try to get home the next. The rest, well …

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My Son Wants To Become a Kung Fu Master!

In blog, family friends, vlog by Michael Michelini

We all have new year’s resolutions. My son, Miles may not even be aware of what those are yet but he has one: To become a Kung Fu master! All those Atom Man cartoons and toys combined with his love for Spiderman led him to want to learn Kung Fu. So Wendy found a nearby (well, 30 minute taxi ride) …

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Top Productivity Tip

In blog, productivity, vlog by Michael Michelini

Keep the student mindset. This is a valuable tip that my friend, Rico Ngoma, shared in a short clip. It is true. In order to be productive and get on top of your game, you have to keep the student mentality. This means, you should never stop learning. Have a humbling experience of not knowing anything and learning about it …

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Wrapping up 2020

In now by Michael Michelini

What Mike Michelini is up to now Dec 27, 2020 – Jan 2, 2021 The new year always gets us excited. A fresh start is coming. And this year, many of us are excited to have 2020 behind us. As I mentioned in a recent vlog, planning for 2021 is a tough one. But here’s the rough idea this week: …

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Merry Christmas From Shenyang, China

In family friends, vlog by Michael Michelini

We are coming to a close this year! While no Christmas tree or Christmas “Culture” here in Shenyang, China – was able to get a “hong bao” from Wilson Blues and went to the mall to grab some books and dig through various markets to find some wrapping paper. Kids pushed to open on Christmas Eve – but we insisted …

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Online Mastermind

In blog, corporate world, e-commerce by Michael Michelini

Have you ever wondered what goes on in a Mastermind? Well, looking at the word itself, you would somehow get the idea that it has something to do with an expert or the main architect of a certain plan or program. But, in the online world, particularly in eCommerce, it means so much more. In a mastermind, there are a …

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Stay on Top Of Your Relationships with MonicaHQ

In business, Reviews by Michael Michelini

In a world where account shutdowns and data lockouts seem to happen more and more on these social networks, we need to really be more aware of “owning our own data”. We also can’t help but be responsible for others’ data as well, especially for our friends and other relationships. For years, since the late 1990s, I had been finding …