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In Events by Michael Michelini

Happening this weekend! April 06-08, 2012 2403-2405, Tencent Building, Hi-techPark, Nanshan,Shenzhen 深圳市南山区高新科技园中区一路腾讯大厦 2403-2405

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APRIL 3 Nick Plante on How to Find a Technical Co-Founder

In Events by Michael Michelini

[box] Who: Nick Plante, Co-founder of Wefunder and Zerosum Labs [/box] [box] When: 7 PM, TUESDAY, APRIL 3 2012 [/box] [box] Where: Chai Huo Hackerspace, Nanshan, Shenzhen [/box] [box] Cost: FREE [/box] [box] Topic: How to find a technical cofounder? [/box] [box] About: Co-founder of Wefunder and Zerosum Labs. Formerly CTO of Mogoterra. Organizer of Rails Rumble (largest global weekend hack competition), Startup Workaway, created Ruby / JavaScript / OSS / product hacker …

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My 31st Birthday. Still not a millionaire

In family friends, motivation by Michael Michelini8 Comments

Bet that headline got your attention. But yea…years ago I was dreaming to be a millionaire before turning 30 years old. But today. ..Monday April 2, 2012 (well Monday in China….sunday night in USA) I am turning 31 years old and still nowhere near the million dollar mark….yet…I do not even care anymore! I have walked away from a career …

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Connecting Major USA All Recipes to a Chinese Ecommerce Startup

In travel by Michael Michelini1 Comment

Allrecipes has arrived to China! I have been talking to Dennis from all recipes for a few months now, about coming to China and learning the market more. They do have domain, but have not yet invested in opening a company or an office in China, currently have one Chinese staff residing in America, Joyce, working on the content, …

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Emotions, Business, and Life.

In motivation by Michael Michelini5 Comments

Been so slammed that I’m way behind on my regular blogging. Also been wondering what to make the next blog post. The past week, so much has happened. My buddy, I’ve known since I’ve arrived in China, is moving back to America. – his name has to be held on his own request. But a good American friend of mine …

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Inside a massive chinese government ecommerce summit

In china business by Michael Michelini1 Comment

Its true…my friends tell me this time of the year….so many conferences, trade fair. March and April I will be better prepared for next year…..back to back awards speeches (still working on that blog writeup from last week), product trade shows in hong kong and guangzhou, and tons of events and visitors in town. Doug has been here a few …

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March 27th, Huck Liang CEO and founder of

In Events by Michael Michelini

[box] Who: Huck Liang, CEO and founder of [box] When: 7 PM, TUESDAY, MARCH 27th 2012 [box] Where: Chai Huo Hackerspace, Nanshan, Shenzhen [box] Cost: FREE [box] Topic: How to import goods into China? [box] About: As Huck Liang has 11 years in the import and export industry. He started his company in 2006 and has been focused on providing import and export solutions for SOHO and …

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Startup tuesday going well…even with me away on the road!

In travel by Michael Michelini3 Comments

Really excited to post today….earlier this week Startup Tuesday went along smoothly even without me stressing out and pushing people!! I was in hong kong airport picking up Doug to visit china for the first time and couldnt be at the meeting….Rachel and Henry and Bruce stepped up to hold things down while I was away. Feel so happy and …

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Mobile phone revolution is here, my newest equipment

In travel by Michael Michelini20 Comments

Truly amazing…typing this full blog post from my new android bluetooth keyboard on my way between offices. My latest battlegear: Samsung galaxy note mobile phone – bought a couple weeks ago for 5,300hkd (about $700usd) with a 1 year contract at china mobile hong kong (monthly phone bill is 68 hk dollars a month for unlimited Edge data planin hong …

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Trip to Guangzhou, TV Interview on GDTV Facetime

In china business by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

Seriously things have been happening so quickly in 2012. Over the past couple weeks Amy and I have been talking to Halley at GDTV (Guangdong TV) located in Guangdong province’s capital, Guangzhou This TV show is called FaceTime, which is a series of interviewing foreigners living and working in China. It is not actually aired inside China, but instead its …