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Canton Fair meetup #2 – Wednesday April 25th

In china business by Michael Michelini2 Comments

Hanging out with Rue this rainy Thursday afternoon. He is really excited about his business promoting local music via Shenzhen Local Music – going through some wordpress training and backup FTP techie jargon. He and I want to work to bring together foreigners + Chinese in South China, he’s more focused on the music and artist industry, while I’m more …

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Michael Jiang on “Big Data And Hadoop: What, Why And How?”

In Events by Michael Michelini

Who:Michael Jiang of BroadenGate Technologies (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. When: 7 PM, TUESDAY, APRIL 17 2012  Where: Chai Huo Hackerspace, Nanshan, Shenzhen Cost: RMB20 Topic: 大数据核心技术Hadoop ABC:what, why and how? Big Data And Hadoop: What, Why And How? About: Maojin (Michael) Jiang is a Cloudera Certified Administrator for Apache Hadoop (CCAH) and a ClouderaCertified Developer for Apache Hadoop (CCDH). He spent the past 10 years …

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GOING TO USA! Startup weekend Seattle, May 18

In usa by Michael Michelini1 Comment

Boom! Had an awesome startupweekend in Shenzhen last weekend, been in regular talks with global headquarters in Seattle, Washington, USA and they invited me to facilitate their Seattle startupweekend next month, from May 18 to the 20th! I wish I could take my team, Kawai, Nik, Remus – all the mentors, judges, and of course CHINESE startups…but like Kawai said, …

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Lei Gao On How To Work With Remote Or Virtual Teams

In Events by Michael Michelini

  [box] Who: Lei Gao Tinker, Artist, Interaction Designer , CEO of IMLAB [/box] [box] When: 7 PM, TUESDAY, APRIL 10 2012 [/box] [box] Where: Chai Huo Hackerspace, Nanshan, Shenzhen [/box] [box] Cost: RMB20 [/box] [box] Topic: Introducing Tamagome, a personal data visualization service which aims to help use know more about their daily activities, control behavior, control health. How to work with remote or virtual teams in a startup and the tools to …

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Shenzhen Startupweekend – Say it outloud! Passion overflowing!

In china business by Michael Michelini4 Comments

Words cannot describe how I feel this Monday morning….the passion, the emotions, the excitement from this past shenzhen startupweekend was surreal. Its about the sponsors, the mentors, the judges, and most importantly, the entrepreneurs who came out all weekend took risk and time to build something! We had some mobile apps made in a weekend! We had database driven websites, …

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Startup Weekend Shenzhen Day 1 – PHOTO BLOG

In Events by Michael Michelini

DAY ONE OF STARTUP WEEKEND SHENZHEN 17:00 – 19:00 Registration & Networking 19:00 – 19:30 Welcome & Speakers 19:30 –21:00 Pitch your idea! 21:00 – 21:30 Vote on ideas 21:30 – 22:30 Teams form (1h) 22:30+ Stay or go home

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Shenzhen Maker Fair, Demo Products Designed in Shenzhen!

In china business by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

Currently typing this at Shenzhen’s startup weekend! This weekend is definitely a defining time for the “critical mass” to get Shenzhen’s startup and entrepreneur community on the map! Also this weekend is the Shenzhen Maker Faire which my friend Eric Pan and others from Seed Studio and Chai Huo hackerspace are organizing. He invited me to speak at the afternoon …

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Startup Weekend Shenzhen Day 2 – PHOTO BLOG

In Events by Michael Michelini

DAY TWO OF STARTUP WEEKEND SHENZHEN 9:00 – 9:30 Breakfast 9:30 – 12:00 Work on idea, Progress check point #1 Teams are formed, individual skills introduced, a team leader is appointed and all systems go! Teams getting advice from Mentors Mentors make their rounds and go around the room talking to each team. At this point, the teams are able …