How does eating 18 day aged balut taste at 3am in Manila, Philippines – this white guy explains.
Issue of “Mixing” different types of friends
This title may be a bit strange, but it has come up a few times to me privately. I like to think of myself as a pretty approachable and friendly guy, an open networker. Because of this, I often introduce various friends to other groups of friends. As my contacts are sometimes of various extremes, in either financial, cultural, or …
Everyone “fails”, Even Google, Stay Motivated!
As I have said, I don’t believe in people FAILING, I think its part of growing, gaining experience, and finding what we are really meant to be and do with our lives. Losing something might be positive, as they say in China. Many people only think “small businesses” or startups fail. But while working in Deutsche Bank, there many internal …
Its Not What We Are Getting, Its What We Are Becoming
Keep that in mind, everyone wants to GET PAID, but its also about growing, learning, and experiencing. So I titled this after a great quote from Jim Rohn : Its not what we are getting, its what we are becoming – Jim Rohn Life is exactly about that. So many people are pre-occupied with what is in their bank account, …
Many Things in China / Philippines Really Aren’t That Cheap….
When I first came to Asia, I assumed EVERYTHING would be cheaper, hey, its made here, right? During the iphone 4 backorder, many of my friends in USA asked me if I could buy it for them directly in Shenzhen, China. But in China, you pay more for electronics – and EVEN the iphone 4 is not available yet. There …
Dealing with Negative People, Negative Energy
My whole life, I have had different forms of negative people and negative energy around me, I think we all have. I am going to go through a few I can remember 1) Freshman year of high school – running for class president – As in previous posts, I reluctantly went to a small catholic high school rather then the …
Comparing Asian To Western Child Upbringing
hey, i’m DEFINITELY not an expert or have any experience in raising a child (god willing, hope to one day) but I thought I would just reflect on what I’ve noticed the past few years in China and now in Philippines about child upbringing to what I know and have experienced in America and heard from friends in most of …
Remembering Bob Aniello, my friend…..RIP
A birthday reminder is popping up for my old friend Robert (BoB) Aniello, who committed suicide in 1997. I don’t want to delete him from my contacts – I don’t want to forget him, so let’s remember BoB.
Does Our Name, our Email, our password make us who we are?
What shapes us as individuals? Sure, I’ve read books that we are products of our environment but its what we do each and every day OURSELVES that creates who we are too. In today’s digital world, one thing most of us do each day is LOGIN online, to our computers, our emails, etc. These are things we have control over, …
Time to Add A Bit “Commercial” to my blog
I’ve always hesitated to do too much self promotion on my personal blog….but recently after so many people seem to be confused on what I do for a living, and the recent EXPLOSION of “personal branding” and the convergence of personal lives and professional lives, I decided to add some small banner ads on the right side here on my …
Failed Attempt At Doing Some Domestic Philippines Sales
So last week i thought it would be fun to have the staff here try to sell some of products in the Philippines, starting with our exclusive new product, the electrapour. Had a carton shipped over from china last week from a friend. Takes about a week to arrive (via EMS) and we get a note on the door that …
Creating Fake Barriers To Be Faster, Smarter, with Less!
Its true, many of us are SPOILED with too much time, too many resources, and it makes us LAZY. It makes us INEFFICIENT. We take it for granted, we don’t utilize all that we have around us…… In the article, from the under 30 CEO blog When they first launch their companies, they will rent a nice office, lease a …
Typhoon Coming, Electricity Already Blown Out Once
I’m going to experience a typhoon while down here in Philippines. Its on its way now, and the electricity here has already blown out once an hour ago, but popped back on recently. Again, I think this is a big reason there isn’t more foreign investment in this country – its INFRASTRUCTURE! When I was at Deutsche Bank, and management …
How I Got Into the Bar Products Business
I am often asked what I do for a living and a big part is selling bar supplies online. And after I tell people this, they always ask HOW did you get into selling bar products, are you a bartender? No, I’m not and never was a bartender….though the idea of being a bartender has always been tempting. I am …
White People Need More….Things….
I started drafting this on my mobile as i sat front seat in a jeepnee heading back from the beach……maybe its the way white people are raised….but i think its true….i need more things to be comfortable then my friends around me in the philippines, maybe because I grew up with more “Extra” things in life, I became too accustomed …
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