Dear attendees of last Saturday’s 3rd Shenzhen Ecommerce Meeting, As promised, we are sending out this email to get more feedback from you guys on what you want from this Kindly take this short survey, link as follows: You can check the video for the 3rd meet up and the updated information regarding next event on the following …
April Is a Stressful Month For Many in China, Not Just Me
As you can see, I’m pretty open about the extreme stress I have been under in business and travel. I think I am developing quicker. There is a saying I saw on a facebook status update that I liked and tweeted: “Always do what you are afraid to do” Ralph Waldo Emerson I definitely think working as a small business….in …
Further Developments in Shenzhen China Coworking
After Dongguan meetings and training sessions with new hires, came to Shenzhen to check out potential coworking office spaces. Met up with Gareth, who is working in the Overseas Chinese Scholars Venture Building, which was setup to attract overseas Chinese to return to China to open a company. I met him online and he has extra space there and is …
Example Schedule For The Next Few Days – Shenzhen, Hong Kong, Guangzhou, Dongguan
I was writing this as an email update for those wondering where I will be the next few days….seems the most common message or email I get from people is “Where are you now? Are you in Shenzhen, Hong Kong, Dongguan, or?” So I thought I would share the next few days with everyone….. give an idea of the insane …
Featured on Chinese Tech News – Twitter vs. Weibo
While some may not believe, I survived to successfully enter China and speak about Twitter and Facebook promotion (amazing because the government forbids and blocks it). But Chinese businesses that need foreign customers (ie export businesses) NEED TO USE TWITTER AND FACEBOOK. Flat out, no questions asked, more and more, you need social media in order to compete in today’s …
Making My Mother Cry
I think mothers always get a bit emotional during their child’s birthdays…remembering the birth and thinking how their son/daughter has grown over time. When I used to live at home on my birthday, my mom would put out photo albums of my birth date at the hospital and my early days growing up, the albums being left open on the …
Do We All Live Fair Tales Lives?
I remember Braveheart was one of my favorite movies, a boy who due to his father’s death in battle while he was young, had to leave his hometown to live with his uncle far away. But this allowed him to learn much more, experience much more…expand his horizons. When he got older, “became a man”, he returned to his hometown. …
Successful 3rd meetup, looking forward to #4
Thanks to everyone who made it out to the 3rd Shenzhen ecommerce / internet marketing meetup. It was a bit smaller than the 2nd, but we aimed for it to be smaller so that we can be more “intimate” Attendance was approximately 50 people, this time it was all in English (we wanted to save time from translating each presentation, …
How To Sell in the South American ecommerce market
here is the Powerpoint presented by Domenick Buonamici at the 3rd meetup, discussing the South American ecommerce market. SZ The South American eMarket
How to Create An Ecommerce Shop for Under $150usd
This was presented at the 3rd meetup in Shenzhen by Nik. Here is in English and chinese: 如何花费不到150美金建立一个电子商务网站 In next few steps you will see we can still do it and compete with the big guys 在接下来的几个步骤,你会看到我们仍然可以做到这一点和竞争的大家伙 step1: Buy a Domain if you search the internet enough you will see it costs around9-12美金. anything lower than 8美金 is a trick …
Crazy Dream -What may have kept me at my NY job!
I’ve been thinking a lot, and with my big shift from fixed office to coworking and freelancing, I think back to my time four years ago at Deutsche Bank and when I put in my notice to leave my job. My manager I guess kind of expected it, I had already filed with them (per SEC regulations) that I had …
Managing When Everyone Wants to be a Freelancer!
Seriously today’s world is changing so quickly world is flat, technology is moving at lightening speed with tablets and mobile technology replacing the need for laptops (never mind archaic desktops!), coworking is the new modern office, and everyone is a independent contractor and freelancer! I have always wondered this since my day job at Deutsche Bank…so many people were not …
Launching New Chinese Ecommerce Shop –
After months of preparation, last week we launched cash n carry Chinese shopping cart to sell the products in our fiveislands ecommerce center. It’s exciting to see it come alive…I am working mostly on helping foreigners enter the Chinese market, via this website, as well as making their own ecommerce shop and Chinese brand. In Hong Kong I have been …
Trying To Not Get Writer’s Block!!!
I’m not updating this blog as much – SORRY. Seems people are actually reading it, as I’m getting reminders that I am not posting as much, and they enjoy reading it. Put this photo from my roadtrip from Xiamen to Hong Kong last weekend….its going through one of the many road tunnels you drive through in China…and represents the endless …
Turning the Big 3-0
I always put so much pressure on birthdays….i can remember back to being a toddler, wanting the biggest and best mcDonalds birthday party out of all my friends….some birthdays in my 20s were wild nightclub, most of which was in new york city. Social media has me so in tiuch with every friend i have ever had my whole life, …
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