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Third Shenzhen marketing meeting

In Events by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

We are planning to have it on saturday April 9.  Normally its on the first saturday, but because of tomb sweeping holiday, we pushed it back to the second saturday, april 9. location will again be king dee building, we want to use both the large hall and some smaller meeting rooms to balance lectures and networking seems the second …

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Update on Business Direction & Life

In business by Michael Michelini9 Comments

I always like Sunday to be the day I reflect and if I had my way I would not have any meetings or work scheduled…just to catch up on errands, clean up the “house” (where I am), reflect on the last week, and think about the upcoming week and get prepared to do the best I can do. Just keep …

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Building an Awesome Team – Which Xmen Character Are You?

In business by Michael Michelini4 Comments

Maybe I’m such a nerd, but this movie “The Wolverine” recently made me think more about TEAMS and working in groups. And the most important thing I think about working with other people is UNDERSTANDING WHO YOU REALLY ARE….. I know, I think this is hard, to accept facts that we are born with some advantages, and over our childhood, …

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Building a Marketing Team in Dongguan, China

In china business by Michael Michelini9 Comments

Spent Monday in Hong Kong visiting a lot of my friend’s offices and apartments on Monday, and as I caught them up on what I am doing these days, they say “Mike, I thought you were opening a company in the philippines“, “hey man, didn’t you say you were lecturing at Stevens Tech in New Jersey, USA?” or “I thought …

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Ipad 2 Mania! Buy in USA – Sell in China?

In china business, usa by Michael Michelini11 Comments

I have been chatting on twitter about the ipad 2 mania. Seriously, even apple is amazed as sales are a million sold in the first weekend. I’m sure iphone factories in Shenzhen are busier then ever, putting extra pressure and overtime work on factory workers. Lets just hope we don’t hear news about factory suicides soon, though I am sure …

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Stuck on the Idea of Starting That We Never Actually Start?

In business by Michael Michelini8 Comments

I hesitate blogging on this topic, because I believe I am one of the extremes in this case….I have fallen in love with starting and making new ideas and new projects. This is a great article – Are You Afraid of Good Ideas? which spawned the idea for this blog. He titles the article towards people who are AFRAID TO …

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Shenzhen / Hong Kong Border Hopping Exhaustion

In china business, hong kong business by Michael Michelini4 Comments

Starting to feel like some special agent in a James Bond movie…seriously…while I thought this lifestyle would be so cool, there is that famous saying “be careful what you wish for”. As it gets quite exhausting going through borders, waiting in lines, dealing with people from all kinds of backgrounds, stress levels, and moods. Larry tells me switching it up …

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Hong Kong Fashion Night, Feeling of Not Belonging

In china business, hong kong business by Michael Michelini2 Comments

Yesterday was another action packed day, leaving Hong Kong approximately 7am to head into Dongguan, China. The day was a typical day in my “new life”, working with the Chinese staff in the dongguan Fiveislands ecommerce warehouse, checking over websites, inventory, products, interviewed some new job applicants. On the way back to Hong Kong in the evening, we picked up …

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Putting Your REAL NAME on the internet, being YOU!

In social media by Michael Michelini12 Comments

Social media has changed the internet, or “web 2.0”. I think the original web 1.0 was more just websites posting news and it hard for the general public to interact. Now, anyone with an internet connection can create a facebook account, twitter account, or whatever, and say how they feel to the world. Its going one step further, as bigger …

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Thanks for attending 2nd meetup & short survey for 3rd meetup

In News by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

Dear attendees of  last Saturday’s 2nd Shenzhen Ecommerce Meeting, 106 people came last saturday, great turnout everyone! As promised, we are sending out this email to get more feedback from you guys on what you want from this Kindly take this short survey, link as follows: Also, to centralize everyone on 1 website for updates on events, MAPS, and …