I’m still recovering from jet lag and just pure exhaustion from the 33 day USA roadtrip – back in China now for a bit over a week. And my wife Wangxia (Wendy) spent each day making a daily dairy (in Chinese) and has finally compiled and released it. She sent it to me this Sunday afternoon and I had to …
Conclusions from My USA Roadtrip
Typing this email up on my airplane from San Francisco to Seoul, Korea. Airplane rides are always kind of like a “transition” from one place to another, one state of mind to another. And I’ve been digesting the last 1 month in USA. Definitely an invaluable experience, and as always in my life – a mix of business and personal …
10 Apps I Use on my Roadtrip Travels to Work Anywhere!
Typing out this blog in the passenger side of our van on this very road trip – and I was asked by some people what workflows and systems I use to keep up with work while on this 1 month road trip – I think its better to break it down by app. Have passed about 7,000 miles on this …
Finally in Florida, Visiting Parent’s after almost 3 years
Finally arrived in Florida – some have asked why I waited so long in this USA roadtrip to get to Florida – well, I have been booking my China / international flights to the West Coast to save a few hundred dollars and then (in other trips) use my airline points to fly domestically in US. This time, the domestic …
Meeting Long Lost Family in New York City!
This effects from this blog continues to amaze me and influence my life! Last Friday afternoon I received a call from an unknown number in New York. He said he is my long lost uncle on my Russian grandmother’s side – I have to admit, as much as I try to be open minded, I was a bit skeptical – …
Hyper-Fast Memory Lane in Hartford, Connecticut
Nice to see Everyone, but so quick! Like a world wind tour – on this USA tour I am on I booked a few days in the city I was born and raised – Hartford, Connecticut. Also was nice that it worked out to be during Chinese New Years week – so the emails and workflow slowed down a little …
1st Week of our USA Roadtrip
Typing this in the passenger side of Attila’s van this Tuesday morning about 9am local time. Day 5 being back in USA, and day 2 of the road trip. Been piecing together this blog post over the last few days – definitely the adventure we were expecting. Blogging less as I’m doing tons of video, as well as weekly podcast …
Wedding Recap & Pics
I feel like my blog has definitely spun to be more personal than business lately, but I promise to add more business like posts now that the wedding insanity is behind us. Weddings I imagine are always stressful. For me, that Saturday last weekend, was also extremely stressful. I think the main concern / worry is “what other people will …
2 Amazing Tools to Help Me Prepare for An Amazing 2014
Every 365 days everyone gets excited for another year for the books and another year to start. A clean slate. I believe life is all about learning about oneself, what he/she likes and is good at, and the people he or she wants to spend their time with. I do believe I’ve gotten better at controlling my life and my …
2013 Year in Review
Remember last Christmas in Beijing eating pizza with my soon to be wife Wendy wondering if I (we) would live in Beijing or Shenzhen or Shanghai! Wow, how fast a year can pass! That location decision ended up being Shenzhen – mainly because my tech co-founder and other team members were primarily in Hong Kong (and Hong Kong cost of …
Experimenting with Video – New Youtube Series for Social Agent
Recently on a call with my mom and dad and they commented I haven’t been blogging as much. Well, its not because I haven’t been pushing out content! Just in a different way – both voice (Global From Asia podcast) and video (Social Agent youtube video series). I can credit the DCBKK seminar I went to in Bangkok for finally …
Hosting Seminars while in USA- “China Business Workshop”
While I am in USA from January until February I will be hosting seminars on “Doing business in China” in various cities. Its amazing this will be my first time back to “mainland USA” (I don’t count Hawaii) since May 2012. During that last trip, while in Los Angeles, I hosted a China Meetup in LA that was fun and …
China-Axlr8r visiting Shenzhen Fireside Chat w/ the Investors
Pretty excited to announce, even if it is with a bit short notice, next Tuesday, December 17, 2013 as part of China-Axlr8r’s “South China” tour, they are stopping over Shenzhen after a few days in Guangzhou. My startup, Social Agent, is a graduate of the program, the 3rd batch, in the fall of 2012, and will be helping out host …
6 Months Before I’m a Father, Again Reinventing Myself
It’s Saturday night – I skipped out on a wine and cheese networking event – have been much less social than usual. But much more focused. I feel its what some would consider “re-inventing”, or maybe others would call maturing. Others maybe growing as a human being. I’m embracing it, and I will continue to “reinvent” until I find that …
8 Global From Asia Podcast Episodes Now Online!
Was a bit of an investment to get the Podcast setup (technically and emotionally) but once the flow is going, it is quite fun! Still a little bit nervous watching my recorded voice on the audacity recording software (podcast recording system), but definitely getting more comfortable each time. I’m also wondering how I should promote it here on my “personal …
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