I guess its like the saying goes “be careful what you wish for”. My previous office, was 1 massive room with a glass dividing wall between the office and the main room – NO privacy. So looking to move, I wanted to have multiple rooms, and areas that I could have private meetings with staff and visitors. Here is a …
Firing People in China – Watch your Back
Have to share this greatttttttttt email I received today, makes me sleep well at night. Unreal people out there like this. But I want to share, some of the after effects of firing someone. The guy lost me customers, was lazy, and did his own work during company hours. Anyway, received the below email (exact copy / paste) from a …
Stupid Foreigner Paying Chinese New Year Bonus
Update Feb 2016: Get lots of requests on Chinese New Year bonus, 6 years later I wrote a much more detailed and professional post on my business blog: How Much Bonus Should I Pay on Chinese New Year?, check it out! Again, I am reminded how little I know about the Chinese culture. I try to be observant, ask around …
Apartment Moving in China – Fun Never Stops
I recently ended a contract with a residential apartment, the owner is 27 years old, and he works in a department store. The people tell me he is a “duck boy” married or dating a rich chinese woman. her name is on the ownership documents, but he has a subcontract for it. I have a contract with him. Now i …
Things I want to do before I die
I am cleaning up my desktop and computer, going through tons of folders and files…rather annoying but its good to go through it on a weekend – travel back in time and remember all the hopes and dreams of the past. Some are real, others never became – or realized something else. I found a really great file, things I …
So many changes, holding on as best I can
Hey, this is my personal blog, and it seems people here like reading about the real life story of my experiences….so here goes…hope it doesnt seem too much like complaining… Obviously being a small business owner, boot strapped and always under cash flow pressure – I am faced with daily pressure to deliver. Guess overall I like the pressure, even …
As Chinese New Years Approaches – Danger Lingers
As the lunar calendar draws to a close, so many more unfortunate Chinese people are desparate to return to their hometowns. They did not earn enough money the previous year, or save enough, to make it home to see their family and loved ones….. So, some push too hard, they do whatever it takes to make that bit of cash …
Google Will Stay in China, no matter what
I feel that Google has lost its attempt to “change the Chinese government” and is still trying to remain in China. Wow, they really scared me a couple weeks ago – but even if they pull out of China, now they say only pull out selectively – keeping some research and development here , as well as advertising sales. Reading …
Haaaa What People Steal from Hotels
I was emailed an interesting article from a fellow blogger – Top Things People Steal From Hotels The list he outlines below is hilarious: 1. Towels. Do you really need more towels at home or do you just want to have something that says the name of the place you stayed. Most times these items are available for sale in …
Passion and emotions in the workplace – good or bad
Is it good to be passionate and emotional in the workplace? Many may say passion is ok, but emotion may be an issue. But how to separate them? Looking at one’s own personal pro and con – I am sure my passion and emotion gets the best of me. I have to be more level headed. I have to separate …
Reflection – how did I end up here?
Reading some linkedin.com discussions, and one that caught my eye was “how did you get into your industry where you are today?” I answered it in the thread, but also want to expand on it more here. Since I can remember, I always wanted to have my own company, back in 2003 after graduating university and starting a new full …
Maybe I just need a vacation – am I a good businessman?
I always try to take criticism positively….even if someone tells me in a negative condescending matter. I think it helps a person grow and you have to keep your ears open even when you may not want to hear it. I have to add an image from the movie “Fallen Down” – I’m not that bad….YET! haha, but some days …
Internet war brewing?? USA vs China?
Am I going to be caught in the middle of an internet war? In a way, i feel a bit strange, as i’m an american in china with google seeming to fight with the chinese government. and its seeming to become more policital then anything…..usa internet companies are siding with google / us government, and chinese internet companies are siding …
Seems Like Google is Really Leaving China – hello Thailand
seems like I have to do it now…..i’m sure that the chinese government will retaliate and start blocking google services. already they have blocked youtube, blogger, and some others for over a year….but imagine google gmail, google english search. too much risk for me to sit and wait….i need to at least develop a plan B. talking to my friend …
If Google left China, would I follow?
man….its all over the news these days…..Google is looking to exit the market in China…. its just gone that far in China….they are blocking my friend’s Chinese blogs here, they have blocked twitter, facebook and others…. it seems unfair, google is considered to be the last major foreign internet company in china….yahoo sold out to alibaba , so many others …
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