I wish I could remember who taught me this….but when I get totally overwhelmed and confused….I have trained myself to take a deep breath and write everything down….prioritize it.. Keeping customers happy – sometimes I freak out that maybe customer service isn’t good, or quality of a product is going to be an issue. These can be controlled, and I …
sometimes I cry – can a man cry?
Yes, I will say it, sometimes I cry! Is it a bad thing? I am talking to my friend Jojo now in chat, and in China it seems like if a man cries, he will “lose face”. he is weak. he cannot be in control. Maybe its not only in China. Seems all over the world, in cultures its the …
When I learned I had to do things on my own – SOLO
As I prepare for my travels this week and next month, I wonder how I got into this habit of being able to go off alone to these different places with no idea what to expect! Of course there were some milestones like leaving home for college out of state….and before that going to catholic high school not knowing anyone …
Are You a Right Thumb (intellect) or Left Thumb (emotion)?
A fun way to see if you think with your right or left – using thumbs – and see what others are doing in this thumb test today.
Leaders INSPIRE action, not WHAT you do, but WHY you do it
Another great shared article and website, ted.com -which is a leadership and motivational website, sent to me from Terry Obershaw at SKU Touch again has got me excited – I am loving how more people are submitting articles, excerpts, and poems for me to add to the blog. Giving this blog a purpose! So Terry sent this specific video- How …
I don’t want to manage people like a slavedriver!
Its something that I am constantly battling….how to align people to do work they like to do, and to do work that I need to get done for a project or company….I do find myself PUSHING a lot….as I have little patience and I know what has to be done, but want others to know/learn how to do it quickly …
No Time To Think – People are always “too busy”
Traveling a lot these days has made me wonder…are people less bored these days then in the past. Do people fill the time more now that there are so many “in-between” gadgets and toys to keep us from twiddling our thumbs: Online chat – MSN, skype, google talk, QQ Mobile phones – texting , talking on the phone, playing video …
Commonly Asked – Why Did I Come To China?
People always ask me “why did you move to china” or “do you think you made the right decision quitting you dayjob and coming to china to start your own business”…well, lets reflect on each of these separately Why did i move to china – sure, i ask myself that every now and then….why i didnt have the most clear …
Being WEALTHY Is All In Your Mind!
Just read a great article – where all that money went from the financial meltdown that came from the NY times. It speaks of how in the past couple years, American households have lost 11 trillion dollars of WEALTH. But then it says, WHAT IS WEALTH , what is being rich? The quote a Michael Reiter, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona …
Being Able To Be Dropped Anywhere & Surviving
I remember reading a book by Bruce Williams called “Thanks For Asking”. Bruce Williams is a radio show talk show host my father loves to listen to. If you would like to read more, here is Bruce William’s bio and website I remember my dad giving handing the book over to me when I was in university. It was a …
Hard Work Ethic From My Father
I remember growing up, my dad would never let me call out sick from school. No matter how sick I was, how tired, how depressed, discouraged, or anything – I had to go to school. I won the perfect attendance award every year I can remember, from 1st grade all the way through high school. It just wasn’t accepted, missing …
Is It Bad To Tell Too Much, To Be Too Real?
I am not going to disclose the people who suggest this, but a few people say I am telling TOO MUCH on my blog. That showing my chaotic and insane life online may scare employees, business partners, and current or potential customers – as well as show my competitors who may be reading this too much inside information on my …
American Expats Giving Up USA Citizenships
Yes, I bet this headline caught your attention. My friend Scott sent me this new york times article today – Lammy just sent me US Expat Taxes Drive Americans Away, and I thought I would discuss it more. “What we have seen is a substantial change in mentality among the overseas community in the past two years,” said Jackie Bugnion, …
Feel Like I’m Changing & Developing So Quickly
Trying my best to stay focused, and develop sales channels. I get too excited, see too many great opportunities. I think that is a flaw many entrepreneurs have…..and while I think am getting better at focusing, I still need to constantly remind myself to. Still re-adjusting from the intense 1 month travel I was on…..sadly my desktop here in the …
Travel Tips I should follow
Man, I guess EVERYONE out there has been worried about the way I travel these days….my friend Lammy sending me a private facebook message, my friend Yuki in Shanghai telling me I need an assistant to travel along side me (of course, Yuki volunteered for that role, so long as I paid her and paid her travel expenses, not a …
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