Arrived in Xiamen yesterday, Jojo booked me a flight at 7:40am – so I arrived here bright and early to prepare for today’s Chinese Search Marketing Expo. This year I prepared a booth and a speech – about how to sell directly in the USA market. As chinese companies need to become more competitive in today’s difficult economic environment (falling …
So Busy In Shanghai…..this city is great
I know its better past due for a blog post…I was doing great making regular posts….but I’m on business travel now…..and I seem to be on a roll….. jamming in at least 3 business meetings a day, and shanghai is not a small city!! So seems some days I bounce from one side to the other in a crazy , …
Running a international business from China – Middle Kingdom
In the Chinese language, China translated into Middle Kingdom – or middle land – and while Westerners feel Chinese are developing into the modern world, I believe Chinese feel they are the original race, and all people came from China at one point – so in essence it is the Chinese that are now allowing themselves to engage with the …
In Ningbo – Now I understand why businessmen are so old
I definitely underestimated what it takes to start a business……i figured i had some customers, some cash saved up, the rest would work out…..hahaha, 3 years later (from Shadstone beginning, 6 if you count from newyorkbarstore beginning), the struggle continues….. This is my countless times in a factory in the Ningbo area (yuyao, ningbo, yong kang – all over Zhejiang …
American Companies Don’t Feel Welcome in China anymore?
Also while watching CNN in hong kong today….they discussed a poll about more and more american companies frustrated doing business in china….the numbers were almost 30percent as of feb 2010 I can admit….i have always had trouble but in a way i believe / feel it is also because the cultural differences….not a positive or a negative feeling, just that …
Google Redirect Out of China
So I am spending a day in Hong Kong….got more passport pages at the US Consulate….I’m watching CNN, was pretty cool as I haven’t watched it in years… See reports about Google “uncensoring” its results……by sending to – which is basically going to Hong Kong search engine. To me – that means THEY LEFT CHINA. For those of …
As I Have More Readers – I cannot change my purpose
Its great that each day now I hear about people enjoying to read my blog. Of course that is the first purpose I had when I first started this blog , to share my experiences starting up a company and transitioning from corporate America to entrepreneurship & small business. I remember the conversation in a New York diner, with Greg …
Is Google Leaving China April 10?
Man……Seems the news is all over the place, and may be turning off as early as mid april. What will this mean for all those workers? The google workforce is probably one of the top of the line workers, so I am sure Baidu, Tencent, Alibaba, and all the other Chinese internet companies will be scrambling to grab as …
Dealing With Various International Cultures…..being flexible…
Every day I struggle to be sensitive to so many different cultures (ok ok, so maybe not really sensitive, but at least aware!) Being an American, I can say I grew up DUMB to international cultures….even though I spent time in a university with Indians, Chinese, and others, as well as almost 5 years living in New York City – …
My Friend Rosemary’s Book Debute
My friend Rosemary Coates released a book 42 Rules for Sourcing and Manufacturing in China and I want to support her in this exciting moment for her. I can only hope one day I am as fortunate as her to publish my own book. Her and I have met on her travels in Shenzhen and she has great experiences in …
Upcoming Travels in China + Southeast Asia
writing this on my mobile phone, it amazes me how open the world has become with the internet. My assistant jojo has prepared my travels for the next month, until the end of april, and this is what i have lined up: Now until march 25 – stay in shenzhen / hong kong taking care of business operations, financial cashflow …
I love the internet, blogging, and social media
I guess I’ve found a great time to do international business…technology has allowed us all to stay so tuned in, that location doesnt matter as much… Today I went over my blog posts, read back through comments, and reflected. I am able to follow through life via the internet. sure, i do miss my friends and family back home, but …
Small Business changes who we are
I am waiting in the lobby of shangri la hotel in tsim sha tsui meeting my friend scott taylor from delta tau delta fraternity, he and i met in a leadership academy (2001) in west Virginia, he went to Georgia tech in atlanta – i was at Stevens tech in new jersey. We met again 7 years ago or so …
Can Google Save Face In China?
I have personally been wondering what is going on with the Google vs. China government. My friends are asking me the latest, but its really quiet….there was tons of news on it, back and forth with the Chinese government, news press releases, and other crazy news….then it got quiet. Google Buzz came out, and seems to have just let people …
To Start a Business – Its Not Only Money
its will and drive. its about focus. Its about going against the odds. Its having the strength to keep going, even when maybe your closest friends think you’re completely insane. I just refuse to give up. Maybe its the way I grew up, but I feel I need to be a street fighter, a scrapper. Life isn’t about taking the …
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