Asia Travels Catching Up To Me – Another China Hospital Visit

In china business by Michael Michelini9 Comments

I guess all this crazy traveling and abnormal sleep patterns has caught up with me. Been having stomach issues all weekend and decided to check it out at the local chinese hospital today. Always an adventure going to the hospital here….at least now I have learned what to expect!

Always cash up front, I always lose my green book so I have to buy another to get started on the scavenger hunt. Then up to the 2nd floor to see the main general doctor area…..he checked me out and said “drink tea and water, and get more rest!”. But I didn’t wanna just give up, so I insisted on getting checked more.

Doing some other tests it just turns out that my:

  • My Abnormal sleep pattern
  • Drinking Too Much Coffee
  • No more night BBQ
  • Stop drinking beer!

Man, that just crushed me….well I don’t have any major traveling upcoming, but I’m like addicted to coffee! I think I can re-adjust my schedule to a normal one, going back and forth from USA to China schedule has been rough, but seems the next few weeks will be on China daytime, maybe only working until 1 or 2am instead of the past 4 or 5 am…..

But like other expats in China, this is the lifestyle we have to live. I read the book my friend Bas passed to me titled – “Mr China” where the author explains he almost dies of a heart attack in his 30s! Its just an intense way of living….trying to live 2 lives between the East and the West. Conference calls, traveling, morning meetings in China, yet afternoon (middle of the night) calls in USA.

That is the life I have chosen, its definitely an adventure. But I think I am going to have to force myself to take care more….slow down a bit. Smell the roses. Luckily I don’t have any big travel plans up and coming.

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  1. take care of your health mike. invest in your health!

    and about the picture JOB = PORN STAR is hilarious!!! did the doctor ask you about that

    1. Author

      thanks Piotr, I know you have always been helping me there – I remember you pushing me when I first moved to China to get a better chair.

      I listen brotha, I do. And I am catching up my rest.

      for the porn star job, yea they never read the job title – I filled this out many times….haha – cool you noticed it

  2. Just give up the self-serving dumbass blog and pay attention to your business, whatever it may be, ’cause none of us know.

    1. Author

      hey there Billy Bob (cool alias),

      you’re right, it is my dumbass selfserving blog! it has my freaking name in the URL!! hahaha.

      no one is forcing you to read, and as I have said many times, its cheaper then the old paper journals I used to keep – and some people actually enjoy it

      cheers and all the best to you

  3. Feel better man, take it easy!

  4. take gd care pls.

    dun wanna say that but told u…2 cup of coffee’s max of a day!

    yea, if u can, stop being a fighter for a while n take a look at the world pls~ ur body’s warning u~

    1. Author

      blah blah blah – told you so……you’re sooooo smart Lammy……

      guess i can’t keep up with your party girl lifestyle, haha

  5. well i’m partying less n drinking less~ it’s summer! time for some early morning boat trips n beach / pool partyyyy instead hohoho

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